Recruiting, Selection, and Hiring

Talent Management follows Federal and State regulations and strives to implement effective and efficient recruitment and talent management practices that are inclusive, transformative, and forward looking. Our aim is to maintain a collaborative relationship as we assist departments, hiring managers, and job seekers through the continuum of the recruitment and talent management processes.

Instructions for Hiring

Posting Positions
Contact an Human Resources Hub professional for assistance with creating a job requisition and receiving all necessary approvals to create a new position or to advertise a vacant position. Positions must be posted for at least five (5) days and will be removed after 15 days unless a hiring manager needs the position to be posted for a longer period of time.

Recruiting and Selection
Identifying and selecting outstanding candidates to fill a position is critical to the ongoing success of Texas A&M University. Understanding the recruiting business process helps hiring managers plan and execute a successful search. A Human Resources Hub professional will help hiring managers navigate this important step.

Transfer Employees
To transfer an employee contact your Human Resources Hub professional for support.

Recruiting Business Process

This guide is designed to assist Hiring Managers with the Recruitment Business Process.

Workday follows a preset flow, and it's important to follow the steps below to avoid delays in the hire process. If you have any questions please review our Recruitment Frequently Asked Questions or contact Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Recruitment, and we will be happy to assist you. Your Human Resources Hub professional will complete the workflow within Workday and action Workday inbox task, including moving selected candidates forward and declining unsuccessful candidates.


A standardized onboarding process for employees provides the foundation for a great employee experience, enhanced engagement, and increased retention rates.

As a result, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness has implementing the Laserfiche Onboarding Process which creates an automated, streamlined, and uniform onboarding process for all employee types (full-time, part-time, and temp/casual staff, faculty, graduate assistant, student workers, etc.).

Laserfiche Onboarding Process
Initiate Laserfiche Onboarding Request

To ensure every employee is mission ready on day one and positioned for success, HROE seeks to partner with departments to strengthen the onboarding experience. Visit the Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Laserfiche Project webpage to learn more about the new Laserfiche Onboarding Process and see if your area is part of the pilot group.

Reference Check

Reference checks are an integral part of a successful recruiting and selection process by allowing recruiters and hiring managers to gain insight into a candidate's previous professional performance as well as assess their potential impact to the organization.

Your Human Resources Hub professional or Talent Acquisition Specialist will request references using the Xref tool.

Pre-Hire Requirements

Texas A&M University may perform criminal background checks for internal and external applicants for employment and for all finalists for appointments Also, degree verification are required for any position which requires a degree or for which the candidate has claimed a degree/professional license.

Individuals may not begin work until the following processes are completed:

  1. Background Check – Usually completed within 24 hours of a prospective employee providing the required information.
  2. Degree Verifications – Prospective employees selected for positions requiring a degree must have their degrees verified.  Information is submitted to a clearinghouse and results are usually received within 24 hours of the submission.
  3. Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification - The Form I-9 has two sections that must be completed. Both sections of the form can be completed as soon as an individual accepts an employment offer but must ultimately meet the following completion dates:
    1. Section 1 – To be completed by the employee NO LATER than the hire date
    2. Section 2 – To be completed by the employer NO LATER than three business days from the hire date. The employer or an authorized representative MUST meet IN PERSON to verify documents. 
NOTE: Individuals must not be allowed to work until the I-9 process has been completed.

Additional Recruitment and Talent Management Tools

Here you will find information about Using Workday, Dual Employment, Performance Management Process, the Affirmative Action Program, Interview Resources, the Screening Matrix and more.