Workday - Recruiting Business Processes

This guide is designed to assist Hiring Managers with the Workday Business Recruitment Process. Workday follows a preset flow, and it's important to follow the steps below to avoid delays in the hire process. If you have any questions please review our Recruitment Frequently Asked Questions or contact HROE Talent Acquisition and we will be happy to assist you.

The first step to creating a new job requisition is to contact your HR Generalist.


When you meet with your HR Generalist to discuss the position ensure you are ready to share information with them such as the job title, duties, responsibilities and minimum qualifications needed for the role, whether you have a PIN approved already, preferred qualifications you would find in a strong candidate and be ready to share information on potential career development opportunities and your team’s culture.

Internal and External Candidates have the ability to withdraw their own applications. Remember: Job Requisitions have to be posted/advertised for a minimum of five days before they can be unposted.

Your HR Generalist will review materials for each applicant for minimum education/experience

Hiring Managers should not review or act on applications in Initial Review. Hiring Managers should only review Candidates in the Screen status since they have been determined to meet the minimum qualifications for the job requisition.

Screen is shared between the talent acquisition specialist and the Hiring Manager.

The Screening Matrix is developed in collaboration between the Hiring Manager and the talent acquisition specialist. It is recommended that no more than 5 or 6 columns of highest priority preferred qualifications are designated on the matrix. 

Manager can use the Workday candidate grid to review information for all candidates but any movement of candidate to move forward or decline must be done by your HR Generalist. Otherwise important steps may be skipped and cause delays in hiring.

Instructions for Screening Applicants

Hiring Manager should inform the HR Generalist and/or Talent Acquisition Specialist of the candidates they have selected for Interview.  The HR Generalist or Talent Acquisition Specialist will move the selected candidates forward to the interview step in Workday. Any interview tasks that appear in your inbox should be ignored – communication between HR Professionals and Hiring Managers is key to managing the process on Workday. 


Candidates should remain in the interview step in Workday during the interview and reference process. Any interview tasks that appear in the Hiring Manager’s inbox should be ignored – communication between HR Professionals and Hiring Managers is key to managing the process in Workday.

Manager can use the candidate grid to review information for all candidates.

Remember: This status is optional for use in Workday. However, References will be completed and documented outside of Workday using Xref. HROE Recruiting Partner will check for duplicates.

Once you have selected your candidate for hire, Stop, send an email to, and upload the recruiting process documents to Laserfiche. Once clearance is obtained, you may extend verbal offer. The earlier you complete this, the quicker the process completes. Most delays in the hire process occur when Recruitment is waiting to receive the recruiting process documents for review.

Offers must be reviewed, made, and accepted prior to moving a candidate to Background Check

Offers must be documented in Workday, by the HR Professional.


Once the Interview and References processes have completed and a candidate has been selected, the HR professional/hiring manager must stop and send an email to to obtain approval to move the candidate to offer. Do not move a candidate to offer (or background check) before obtaining this approval from If the salary offer will be in the middle or upper band for the grade, you can also use this email to designate this information and provide the necessary approval memos uploaded to the secure server.  This will give the Talent Specialist the ability to designate approval if a verbal offer will be done prior to the offer approval process in Workday.

Offers must be reviewed, made, and accepted prior to the HR Professional moving a candidate to Background Check.

HROE Recruitment retains all documents related to recruitment processes. These documents include:

These documents must be sent to HROE Recruitment using Laserfiche.
  • Once approval to move to offer has been obtained from Recruitment/HROE, the talent acquisition specialist will move the selected candidate to Offer status. The talent acquisition specialist may use the candidate grid to move the selected candidate to Offer (once approval has been obtained).
  • An offer is required before a background check can be requested (verbal or written). If a verbal offer is planned and the salary amount is in the middle or high band for the grade, this information should be provided in the request to proceed to offer.  This way the talent acquisition specialist can ensure the proper approval memos are on file before approving the offer proceed.
  • The HR Professional completes the tasks to create the offer, the offer is approved by Recruitment/HROE and a PDF is provided to the HR Professional or Hiring Manager.
  • The PDF must be reviewed and amended prior to submitting to the candidate. The HR Professional will amend the offer letter as needed.
  • When the candidate submits the offer, HR Professional and Hiring Manager get a task to answer whether the offer was accepted.

If the documents are not uploaded when a background check completes, the Talent Specialist will not be able to process the Ready for Hire, which could cause a delay in the hire/transfer/add additional job.

  • For background checks no action required by Hiring manager.
  • The HR Professional will forward the background check and degree verification emails or forms to the candidate for completion and will ensure the documentation is uploaded as required.

No action required by the Hiring Manager for this step.

  • Talent acquisition specialist reviews documentation, verifies degree on file and completes compliance checklist submits Ready for Hire.
  • Talent acquisition specialist processes staffing action for change job or add additional job for internal candidates.
  • Workday initiates revise hire task for external candidates.
  • When a job requisition is in progress, never start a hire or transfer event outside the job requisition process. This will cause delays in the completion of the event.
  • Various tasks will generate to employee and others for the hire.
  • Hiring Managers will receive a task during the hire process for a ‘consolidated approval’ step, to indicate their approval of the hire. Managers should action this task promptly on receipt to ensure no delay to the hire.
  • Transfer/Add Additional Job may have some onboarding tasks.
  • When the hire is successful, the onboarding process will kick off with a to-do task for the HR Generalist.
  • Caution all new hires to wait for onboarding steps to come to their inbox to update any information about themselves. They should not attempt to update information from the Workday worklets as this will cause a delay in onboarding.
  • Hiring Manager should take a note of the start date of their new hire and begin to prepare to welcome their new team member. Refer to this onboarding guide for steps to take.
  • Employees will attend a central onboarding event on the first day of employment. HR Generalists will assist with scheduling new employees to attend. Review the Common Hire Dates.

Your HROE Generalist is here to help you every step of the way.

[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey