
We welcome employers both on- and off-campus to register for access to post local part-time employment opportunities on our 24-hour online database, Jobs for Aggies.

Existing Employers may sign-in to the Job Board here.

New Employer Registration

The Student Employment Office in the Division of HROE welcomes employers both on- and off-campus to register for access to post local part-time employment opportunities on our 24-hour online database, Jobs for Aggies.
Posting positions with the Student Employment Office is an effective and efficient means of advertising part-time employment opportunities to the students of Texas A&M University. Employers must complete New Employer Registration online. Selecting either the “Register” of “Sign Up and Post Job” links will prompt the employer registration form, which is required to be filled out and submitted. A new account will be reviewed and activated within 48 hours. Employers are able to submit job descriptions for part-time positions prior to the employer account being activated only if they select “Sign Up and Post Job” as their registration method. No content will be visible to students until the approval process is completed. The database allows employers to enter data and information as they wish for it to appear online. After a job has been submitted, it is reviewed by the Student Employment Office before being posted for students to view to ensure compliance with equal employment opportunity standards and our internal posting criteria.

One-Time/Immediate Assistance

Do you need one-time/immediate assistance on short notice for work such as child care, yard work, or house sitting? Jobs for Aggies can quickly help you find the assistance you need. Once you have created your employer account, you can create job postings to advertise the help you need. Get started by logging in to the  employer page.

Why post student employee positions?

Although many employers may find it more convenient to hire a student employee that is the friend of a friend, employers are cheating themselves when they practice this. By posting student job opportunities in jobsforaggies.tamu.edu, employers are advertising to thousands of potential applicants. Employers receive a more qualified applicant pool and tap into resources they may not have tapped into before. Additionally, employers uphold the equal opportunity premise by posting positions for many to view.

Can a specific academic major be listed as a requirement?

Unless there is a genuine reason that an applicant be in a specific course of study, it is not recommended that employers list an academic major as a requirement. Employers have the ability to influence and challenge employees. It may be that students of an unrelated field of study have the talent and interest that employers seek. Course of study alone does not indicate ability.

Must a rate of pay be posted?

Yes. We do not allow employers to post commission-only jobs, or jobs that pay below minimum wage. Additionally, students do not want to apply for a job unless they know how much it will pay. If rate of pay depends on qualifications, a base rate can be posted. Applicants tend to look for positions with competitive rates of pay. Minimum wage jobs may not be nearly as attractive as those that pay more. 

Is it necessary to interview student employees?

Without an interview, it becomes virtually impossible to determine “fit”. Even though a student employee may have experience in a particular field or possess the skills to perform essential functions of the job, it is recommended that employers interview applicants before extending an offer for employment. In taking the time to make a more informed decision, employers will keep employees longer and find a better return on their investment.
To be added to the On-Campus listserv, please click on the link, On-Campus Listserv

Supervisors of student employees and business office personnel are encouraged to join our listserv to stay current on issues related to student employment. Reminders, announcements and events related to Texas A&M student employees working on-campus will be shared.

To be added to the Off-Campus listserv, please click on the link, Off-Campus Listserv

Businesses and individuals who employ Aggies in the Bryan/College Station area are encouraged to join our listserv to learn more about workshops and events that are relevant to student employees and those who supervise them.

Training Resources for Student Employees

Listed below are a number of resources that supervisors can utilize to provide professional development opportunities to their student employees. 

Student Employee Workshops

The Student Employment Office offers a number of free student employee workshops that are designed to enhance professional skills.

LinkedIn Learning Training Videos

LinkedIn Learning provides a multitude of training videos, including training on workplace professional skills as well as hard skills. Below is a selection of training videos that are offered. Supervisors can also assign training on software that a student worker may need for their specific job, such as HTML, Java, AutoCAD, Photoshop, SQL, and Microsoft Office/365.

NOTE: Unaffiliated student workers such as high school students and Blinn students will not have access to LinkedIn Learning. Unaffiliated student workers may be able to take advantage of a one-month free trial of LinkedIn Learning.

Some helpful LinkedIn Learning training videos for student employees include:

Helpful Videos and Articles

The following videos and articles can be used for student employees to watch or read and discuss later with the supervisor as a reflection.

What is an Internship?

An internship is a career-related work experience usually lasting one semester, often occurring during the summer. Internships should be a carefully monitored learning experience for the student - assignments appropriate to the student's educational level and related to their field of study are expected.

Note: If a student intern is seeking a for-credit internship, the employer and supervisor may have more responsibilities that are required for the student to receive academic credit. Please remember this when recruiting and hiring.          

Benefits of Internships

Some of the many benefits of providing internships for employers include:
  • Provide valuable experience for students that supports retention and degree completion
  • Possibility of hiring an intern with Work Study funding, reducing cost to department
  • Bring in fresh perspectives and increase productivity
  • Help develop student skill sets
  • Can market directly to learning community students in targeted academic programs

Career Center Resources

Employers interested in advertising internship opportunities to Aggies should use HireAggies. For more information about posting internships on HireAggies, see the Career Center Employers page. Other resources the Career Center provides include:
  • Interview facilities for on-campus interviews
  • Recruiting strategies and staff that can assist you every step of the way
  • Career Exploration Days 

On-Campus Internship Program

Student engagement is a core area of investment for Texas A&M University. To meet this goal, Texas A&M is expanding its on-campus internship program to provide more students the opportunity to work with the university’s staff and faculty, and continue to attend classes. Participating students will be given meaning experiences through their internships that will help prepare them for their future careers.

The University has made an investment to help fund these experiences. If a hiring department can provide a quality on-campus learning experience that goes beyond the duties of a typical student employee position, can provide appropriate supervision, and pay 25% of the student intern’s wages, the University can provide the remaining wages using Federal Work Study or Texas College Work Study funds. To qualify for Work Study, students must meet all other Federal Work Study guidelines.

An internship is:
  • A meaningful work experience that is interest or major-related, and has a learning component.
  • A short-term experience, usually lasting one or two semesters.
  • Paid or compensated through course credit, scholarship, grant, or stipend.
For more information on when an internship meets the definition of an employee-employer relationship, thus being eligible for compensation and participation in the university benefits system, please see SAP 33.99.08.

Employer requirements to participate in On-Campus Internships

  • Post the internship opportunity on HireAggies.
  • The position must meet the definition of an internship, as defined by NACE.
  • The position must be paid at least minimum wage. View student employee wage rates.
  • The position must have a written position description. View a federal work study compliant position description template.
  • Appropriate supervision must be provided.
  • On-campus student positions must work an average of less than 40 hours per week
  • Complete student evaluation forms as required by the Office for Student Success and/or student’s academic department (if for credit).

How to Hire an Intern

  • View On-Campus employers hiring information.
  • When entering the hiring information in Workday, enter one of the following options for Interns:
    • Federal College Work Study – Intern (can only be used for a student who has work study)
    • State of Texas College Work Study (can only be used for a student who has work study)
    • Student Intern
[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey