Human Resources Communications

The Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) strives to communicate timely information to Texas A&M University employees regarding human resources policy changes, benefit updates, new procedures, or other employment-related topics. We use the following means to reach out to prospective employees, employees, retirees, and departments.

Texas A&M University HROE Communications

  • Website and Online Systems
  • Email Newsletters
    • Employee Updates is a monthly employee newsletter that provides important information and updates for all Texas A&M employees, including faculty, staff, graduate assistants and student workers; it is emailed directly to employees via their work email account listed within Workday
    • Touchpoint Tuesday is distributed weekly to departmental Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness employees containing important Human Resources and Payroll information which can be shared within the departments as needed
  • Social Media
  • General Emails
    • Campus Distribution A Memos sent about specific important Human Resources topics; employee must subscribe to receive these email memos
    • Direct email communications are sent about specific important Human Resources topics to employees throughout the year; employees cannot unsubscribe from these emails
  • Direct mail to employee’s home and campus mailing address

Employees are asked to stay informed; Human Resources Hub professionals, supervisors and others in authority are particularly charged with ensuring their employees are aware of policy changes and other university information pertinent to their employment.

If you have questions about our communication methods, please contact us at or (979) 845-6287. We appreciate your feedback. We're here for you!

A&M System Benefits Communications

The Texas A&M University System Benefits Administration office also provides benefit information to A&M System employees and retirees and negotiates contracts with carriers for insurance and retirement benefits. The A&M System is one of the largest systems of higher education in the nation, with a statewide network of 11 universities; a comprehensive health science center; eight state agencies, including the Texas Division of Emergency Management; and the RELLIS Campus. The A&M System Benefits Administration communication includes the following. The A&M System Benefits Administration communication includes the following:

[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey