AWL Safety and Security Checklist

Alternate Work Location (AWL)

Employees are responsible to validate with manager that steps have been taken to address the safety and security of the employee and university owned equipment issued in accordance with SAP 33.06.01.M0.01, if applicable.

Alternate Work Location

  • The employee has clearly defined workspace that is kept clean and orderly.
  • The lighting is adequate for assigned tasks.
  • Exits are free of obstructions.
  • Supplies and equipment (both departmental and employee-owned) are in good condition.
  • The work area is well ventilated and heated for assigned tasks.
  • Storage is organized to minimize risks of fire and spontaneous combustion.
  • Cords, cable or other items are placed in an orderly fashion to prevent a tripping hazard.
  • Surge protectors are used for Texas A&M University-owned equipment such as computers, and printers.
  • Heavy items are securely placed on sturdy stands close to walls.
  • Computer components are kept out of direct sunlight and away from heaters.

Emergency preparedness

  • Emergency phone numbers (hospital, fire and police departments) are posted at the AWL.
  • A first aid kit is easily accessible and replenished as needed.
  • Portable fire extinguishers are easily accessible and serviced as needed.


  • The workstation (desk, chair, computer and other equipment) is arranged to be comfortable without unnecessary strain on the back, arms, neck etc.

Security of Information Resources

Working from Home Resources

[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey