Jobs Best Suited for an AWL Arrangement

Alternate Work Location (AWL)

A position can be considered suitable for an AWL arrangement if some or most of its responsibilities can be performed away from the primary duty station. The change in work location should not impact productivity, customer service, operational efficiency, or team collaboration. The determination should be first based on the type of work, not just on employee performance.

NOTE:  The following types of positions are ineligible for partially or fully remote AWL: positions that are not computer based; positions that are dependent on continual physical presence; positions that require face-to-face customer interactions; and/or positions that are not largely self-directed.

Jobs best suited to an AWL arrangement are roles that:

  1. Include tasks that can be performed off-site and sent to and from the employee’s home with ease, speed, and confidentiality.
  2. Require independent work, such as writing, reading, telephoning, planning, computer programming, word processing, and data entry.
  3. Have clearly defined tasks, objectives, and work products.
  4. Have measurable work activities or products.
  5. Have objectives with identifiable time frames and checkpoints.
  6. Can be monitored by output and deliverables, not by the time spent doing the job.
  7. Have minimal requirements for special equipment or access to materials and files located at the office or regular work location.
  8. Can be performed while meeting University security requirements

Each position should be considered individually, based on the responsibilities and area in which the role is located, to determine if the work can be done outside of the primary duty station.

Typical Roles May Include, But Are Not Limited To:

Typical Tasks May Include, But Are Not Limited To:

  • Accountant or Bookkeeper
  • Software Developer, Engineer or Computer Programmer
  • Graphic Designer or Illustrator
  • Web Training or Web Design
  • Recruiter or Talent Acquisition
  • Data Entry or Database Administrator
  • Researcher




  • Auditing
  • Analyzing Data
  • Budgeting
  • Calculating
  • Computer Programming
  • Data Analysis and Entry
  • Editing
  • Graphics work
  • Programming
  • Project Management
  • Recruiting/Sourcing
  • Research
  • Software Development
  • Writing

Generally, requests for an AWL arrangement should not be granted when:

  • The nature of the position requires the employee’s physical presence, including, for example, positions that involve regular interaction with students, faculty, staff, visitors, or the general public; that require the use of laboratory and other fixed equipment and facilities; that involve work on campus physical facilities; or that require in-person work as part of a team or for the purpose of accomplishing an on-site task;
  • The employee’s performance evaluations do not indicate sustained productivity;
  • The employee’s observed productivity levels are less than desirable;
  • The employee requires close supervision as indicated, for example, by the employee’s consistent need for guidance, or the employee’s current assignment requires frequent supervision, direction, or input from others who are on-site; or
  • The schedule would create a pattern of overtime work or cause undue difficulty or need for additional personnel for the department or unit. 


[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey