Job Changes
Creating a new position is the process by which a new PIN (position identification number) is generated to support the business needs of an organization. All budgeted staff positions must have a position description and funding approved by their Finance group. Before contacting their Human Resources (HR) Hub professional, the supervisor should follow their college/division internal approval processes. New staff positions require approval from the unit’s Vice President / Dean or their approved delegate.
- When a supervisor determines they need to create a new position, they should contact their HR Hub professional for assistance. The HR Hub professional will help the supervisor determine which of three options could best be utilized for their situation:
- Option 1: Utilization of a library of approved TAMU standard job descriptions that have been tailored to fit Texas A&M needs but allows for some customization. These can also be found on University Approved Jobs or through your HR Hub professional.
- Option 2: Access to previously approved position descriptions in Workday that are similar in job duties across the supervisor’s college/division.
- Option 3: Completion of a Workday Position Description Template if the job’s essential duties and tasks are so specific that the other options would not work. This template will require a more thorough review by TAMU HROE’s Classification and Compensation team to determine a title that most accurately fits the duties and tasks. There are two version you can use:
- Additionally, at the time of initial contact the supervisor should inform their HR Hub professional what is the purpose for creating the new position.
- If the position needs to be posted, the HR Hub professional will work with Talent Management on creating and posting the job requisition after the creation of the position.
- If the new position will be used to promote or transfer an employee into, the HR Hub professional will need to gather additional information for processing.
- After consulting with the appropriate HR Hub professional, the Request for Reclassification of Vacant PIN or Create New Position Form will need to be completed and routed for approval.
- Once the Request for Reclassification of Vacant PIN or Create New Position Form has been completed, signed, and the essential duties and tasks have been agreed upon, the HR Hub professional will initiate the request in Workday and will inform the supervisor once it has been completely approved.
Need a new position created? Contact your Human Resources Hub to get started!
As positions become vacant, it might be necessary to change the title of the position in order to fill the position at a different title or level. When changing the title of a vacant position, this could be to a higher, lower, or lateral title. In this case, the position is not filled by an incumbent and the title will be reclassified.
- When a supervisor determines they need to change the title of a recently vacated position (either before or after the employee leaves), they should contact their HR Hub professional for assistance. The HR Hub professional will help the supervisor determine which of three options could best be utilized for their situation:
- Option 1: Utilization of a library of approved TAMU standard job descriptions that have been tailored to fit Texas A&M needs but allows for some customization. These can also be found on University Approved Jobs or through your HR Hub professional.
- Option 2: Access to previously approved position descriptions in Workday that are similar in job duties across the supervisor’s college/division.
- Option 3: Completion of a Workday Position Description Template if the job’s essential duties and tasks are so specific that the other options would not work. This template will require a more thorough review by TAMU HROE’s Classification and Compensation team to determine a title that most accurately fits the duties and tasks. There are two version you can use:
- At the time of initial contact, the supervisor should inform their HR Hub professional what they would like to do once the position is reclassified.
- If the position needs to be posted, the HR Hub professional will work with Talent Management on creating and posting the job requisition after the creation of the position.
- If the updated position will be used to promote or transfer an employee into, the HR Hub professional will need to gather additional information for processing.
- After consulting with the appropriate HR Hub professional, the Request for Reclassification of Vacant PIN or Create New Position Form will need to be completed and routed for approval.
- Once the Request for Reclassification of Vacant PIN or Create New Position Form has been completed, signed, and the essential duties and tasks have been agreed upon, the HR Hub professional will initiate the request in Workday and will inform the supervisor once it has been completely approved.
Need a new position created? Contact your Human Resources Hub to get started!
Over time, it is common for duties or other factors to change for employees in their respective roles. There may also be times where a position becomes vacant and there is no need to change the title of the position before filling it, but rather a need to revise the position description before filling the role.
Updating a position description entails making minor changes to the job that are not sufficient to warrant a new title.
- The supervisor will work with the Human Resources Hub professional to make changes to the current position description and ensure the necessary changes have been captured on the Workday Position Description Template (with help text) and the Workday Position Description Template (without help text). If the supervisor has completed the template in the past and is comfortable completing it on their own, they can send the completed version directly to their Human Resources Hub professional. If the supervisor has questions on the process and template, it is recommended the supervisor sets up time to speak with the Human Resources Hub professional.
- Generic job descriptions are available on the University Approved Titles page. These job descriptions have been tailored to fit Texas A&M needs but may be customizable and supervisors should discuss these changes with their Human Resources Hub professional.
- Depending on the changes made, it may be appropriate to include an organization chart for the position changes. This document will assist with the review and approval process.
- The supervisor can review the employees' current position description by locating the employee in Workday and selecting their position from their profile.
- Completing every question on the template will provide the information necessary for the Human Resources Hub professional to input into Workday and for Classification and Compensation to review.
- The Human Resources Hub professional will submit the request and will inform the supervisor once it has been approved.
- If the role needs to be posted, the Human Resources Hub professional will work Talent Management on creating and posting the job requisition in Workday. If the vacant role will be used to promote or transfer an employee into, please let the Human Resources Hub professional know.
Need to update a position? Contact your Human Resources Hub to get started!
The supervisor can propose updates to a position description for both filled and unfilled positions, and these updates can occur at any time throughout the fiscal year (September to August).
A position description update should not be submitted in lieu of a promotion, demotion, or transfer. Classification and Compensation recommends that supervisors submit position description updates early in the performance evaluation period, so that the most current position description will be included with the online evaluation. If an update is submitted after the performance evaluation has launched, the newly updated position description will not display on the online evaluation. All updates to staff, student, and temporary/casual position descriptions are reviewed by Classification and Compensation to ensure that a new title is not warranted.
An updated position description is important for:
- Appropriate Job Assignment, Orientation: A documented position description is necessary to properly title and establish a pay rate for the job. This is used to create new positions or reclassify existing positions.
- Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring: Documented duties are used to create a posting and appropriate job-related interview questions, which can be used to evaluate applicants based on the stated requirements. Knowing the value of a position description will better prepare supervisors for onboarding new employees by helping them understand what qualities and qualifications are needed to be successful in the position.
- Establishing Performance Standards: A current position description is necessary to evaluate performance and set standards for future goals. Both the supervisor and employee must be on the same page when it comes to employee duties and expectations.
- Tracking Career Progress: Supervisors can use position descriptions to help move current employees through promotion and career advancements. Employees also need to be familiar with the components of their position description to make sure that it reflects the job duties they are currently performing.
Texas A&M makes every effort possible to ensure career growth and further job opportunities for employees. Traditionally, internal employees are promoted or transferred into new roles through the following processes.
Promotions at Texas A&M University
A promotion is when an employee moves to a new role requiring higher qualifications, a higher rate of pay and a title change. The employee may stay in their current position identification number (PIN) or move to a new PIN.
As a reminder, the supervisor should not disclose the promotion to the employee until AFTER Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness has given their final approval on the request. The change associated with a promotion may be effective no earlier than the beginning of the pay period in which it is approved by Classification and Compensation.
Promotion Eligibility Criteria:
- Employee must have education and experience and other qualifications that meet or exceed the minimum required qualifications as documented in the position description.
- Employee must have been employed in their present position for at least three months. An exception to the three-month requirement may be approved by the Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness or designee.
- If an exception is required, contact your Human Resources Hub professional.
- Employee must have a satisfactory record of performance.
- If the employee has not been in the role long enough to have a performance evaluation, please complete a paper evaluation.
Required Documentation:
- Depending on the changes made, it may be appropriate to include an approval memo and/or organization chart for the position changes. These documents will assist with the review and approval process.
- Resumes may be required to verify the qualifications of the employee and to make sure that the individual is eligible to move into the new title.
- A degree verification may also be required if there is currently no verification on file for the employee or if the position requires a degree to be held by the employee who fills the position.
- A criminal background check is NOT required when an employee is being promoted within Texas A&M University.
- *If an employee is taking on a promotion across A&M System Members, the employee must have a cleared and current criminal background check.
If the employee will be moving to a vacant PIN in the promotion, the following should be done under the guidance of the Human Resources Hub.
If a position is available to promote the employee into, the following should be done under the guidance of the Human Resources Hub:
- The supervisor will complete the Promotion and Transfer Request Form.
- The supervisor should ensure that the employee needs to meet the promotion eligibility criteria.
- The Human Resources Hub professional will submit the request and will inform the supervisor once it has been approved.
If a position is not available to promote the employee into and they are remaining in their current PIN, the following should be done under the guidance of the Human Resources Hub:
- If the employee will remain in their current PIN, the supervisor will complete the Workday Position Description Template (with help text) or the Workday Position Description Template (without help text). If the supervisor has completed the template in the past and is comfortable completing it on their own, they can send the completed version directly to their Human Resources Hub professional. If the supervisor has questions on the process and template, it is recommended the supervisor sets up time to speak with the Human Resources Hub professional.
- Generic job descriptions are available on the University Approved Jobs page. These job descriptions have been tailored to fit Texas A&M needs but may be customizable and supervisors should discuss these changes with their Human Resources Hub professional.
- Depending on the position being changed, it may be appropriate to include an organization chart. These documents will assist Classification and Compensation with the review and approval process.
- Completing every question on the template will provide the information necessary for the Human Resources Hub professional to input into Workday and for Classification and Compensation to review.
- The supervisor should ensure that the employee meets the promotion eligibility criteria.
- The Human Resources Hub professional will submit the request and will inform the supervisor once it has been approved.
Need to promote an employee? Contact your Human Resources Hub to get started!
Lateral Transfers & Demotions
A transfer occurs when an employee is moving from one position to another position which are assigned the same pay grade. Transfers include lateral transfers and voluntary moves to lower positions.
A demotion occurs when an individual moves from one position to another position having a lower pay range and/or less senior title requiring less education, experience and responsibility. Consult with Employee Relations before proceeding to the steps below. Approval from Employee Relations will be required for all voluntary and involuntary demotions.
As a reminder, the supervisor should not disclose the transfer or demotion to the employee until AFTER Human Resources has given their final approval on the request. The change associated with a promotion may be effective no earlier than the beginning of the pay period in which it is approved by Classification and Compensation.
Special Note:
If the current supervisor would like to make a counteroffer for an employee being transferred across divisions, approval from Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness will need to be obtained. Please reference the following link for more information regarding counteroffers.
Transfer and Demotion Eligibility Criteria:
- Employee must have education and experience and other qualifications that meet or exceed the minimum required qualifications as documented on the position description.
- Employee must have been employed in their present position for at least three months. An exception to the three-month requirement may be approved by the Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness or designee.
- If an exception is required, contact your Human Resources Hub professional.
- Employee must have a satisfactory record of performance. (Transfer only)
- If the employee has not been in the role long enough to have a TAMU performance evaluation, please complete a paper evaluation.
Required Documentation:
- Depending on the changes made, it may be appropriate to include an approval memo and/or organization chart for the position changes. These documents will assist with the review and approval process.
- Resumes may be required to verify the qualifications of the employee and to make sure that the individual is eligible to move into the new title. If an employee is claiming a degree or the position requires a degree, a degree verification will need to be run on the employee if one has not yet been performed.
- A criminal background check is NOT required when an employee is being promoted within Texas A&M University. If an employee is taking on a promotion across The Texas A&M System Members, the employee must have a cleared and current criminal background check.
If the employee will be moving to a vacant PIN in the transfer or demotion, the following should be done under the guidance of the Human Resources Hub.
If a position is available to promote the employee into, the following should be done under the guidance of the Human Resources Hub:
- The supervisor will complete the Promotion and Transfer Request Form.
- The supervisor should ensure that the employee needs to meet the eligibility criteria.
- Approval from Employee Relations must be obtained prior to the request being submitted in Workday.
- The Human Resources Hub professional will submit the request and will inform the supervisor once it has been approved.
- If the employee will remain in their current PIN, the supervisor will complete the Workday Position Description Template (with help text) or the Workday Position Description Template (without help text). If the supervisor has completed the template in the past and is comfortable completing it on their own, they can send the completed version directly to their Human Resources Hub professional. If the supervisor has questions on the process and template, it is recommended the supervisor sets up time to speak with the Human Resources Hub professional.
- Generic job descriptions are available on the University Approved Jobs page. These job descriptions have been tailored to fit Texas A&M needs but may be customizable and supervisors should discuss these changes with their Human Resources Hub professional.
- Depending on the position being changed, it may be appropriate to include an organization chart.
- These documents will assist Classification and Compensation with the review and approval process.
- Completing every question on the template will provide the information necessary for the Human Resources Hub professional to input into Workday and for Classification and Compensation to review.
- The supervisor should ensure that the employee meets the eligibility criteria.
- Approval from Employee Relations must be obtained prior to the request being submitted in Workday.
- The Human Resources Hub professional will submit the request and will inform the supervisor once it has been approved.
Need to transfer or demote an employee? Contact your Human Resources Hub to get started!
Temporary Overlap Staff Jobs
If a department has an employee who is retiring or leaving the University, and the department would like to hire their replacement before the current employee's departure, they will need to contact their Human Resources Hub professional so a temporary position can be created. A temporary position must be created as two employees cannot be in the same position identification number (PIN) in Workday.
Special Notes:
- The temporary job may be used for a maximum of 4.5 months. The temporary position should be set-up as a Staff Worker Sub-Type.
- The replacement Employee must begin work prior to the terminating Employee’s last day. The Job Overlap period should last from two to nineteen weeks.
- The department can request to Create the Job Requisition for the soon to be vacant position before the Employee is moved into the temporary position.
- The temporary overlap position description being created should be an exact match of the one being copied for the employee that is leaving.
- Once the current employee departs the office and/or the University, the Human Resources Hub professional will need to close the temporary overlap staff job.
- The supervisor will contact the Human Resources Hub professional regarding the creation of the temporary overlap job. When contacting the HR representative please provide the following information:
- The name and UIN of the employee retiring or leaving the University
- The employee’s termination date (or last day with the office)
- Estimated Duration of Temporary Position
- The Human Resources Hub professional will submit the request and will inform the supervisor once it has been approved.
Need to create a temporary overlap job for an employee? Contact your Human Resources Hub to get started!
Employee Status Changes
There are many types of position changes that can be made on an employee, such as:
- Change in Percent Effort (FTE)
- Change in Annual Work Period
The change associated with the change may be effective no earlier than the beginning of the pay period in which it is approved by Classification and Compensation.
- The supervisor will contact the Human Resources Hub professional regarding the change to the employee. When contacting the Human Resources Hub professional, provide the following information:
- The name and UIN of the employee
- The position identification number (PIN) that the change needs to occur on
- The reason behind the change
- The duration of the change - i.e. temporary or permanent
- If applicable - Reductions in an employee's percent effort will require approval from the Department Head and Employee Relations, even if the reduction in percent effort is voluntarily requested by the employee. Supervisors are encouraged to collaborate closely with there Human Resources Hub professional to ensure that employees fully understands all implications that may come with a reduction in their percent effort.
- The Human Resources Hub professional will submit the request and will inform the supervisor once it has been approved.
Need to make a change to an employee? Contact your Human Resources Hub to get started!