Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay

Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay is an increase that may be given within six (6) months to recognize and reward staff employees who take the initiative through their own efforts to increase their job worth and significantly enhance their value to their organization by obtaining a degree, certificate, license or other evidence of completion of a prescribed program.
Internal equity with other positions in the department should be considered before implementing a Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increase.

Use of a Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increase within each division of the University is at the discretion of the respective Vice President and is not considered to be an entitlement.

The effective date for the new rate of pay will be on or after the beginning of the pay period in which the employee is paid and the request receives final approval from the appropriate Human Resources unit. No pay increase may be retroactive, in accordance with Article III, Section 53 of the Texas Constitution which prohibits the payment of retroactive increases to State employees.

A Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increase may be approved for an employee if all the following criteria are met:

  • The employee presents a degree, certificate, license or other evidence of completion of a prescribed program.
    • When presented to the department, the department is responsible for verifying the authenticity of the document presented and can request additional documentation if necessary.
  • The employee has a "meets expectations" or higher overall rating on the most recent Performance Review (for guidance, refer to Standard Administrative Procedure 33.99.03.M0.01, Performance Management and Review Procedure for Non-Faculty Employees); and
  • the employee has not received a Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increase within the last twelve (12) months.
  • Requests for a Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increase must be submitted to the appropriate Human Resources unit within six (6) months of the date the certification is awarded.
    • A Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increase cannot be combined with another increase due to the criteria stated in section 2.1.3. If an employee is receiving concurrent increases, the increases should be processed separately.
  • The appropriate Human Resources unit will review the request for compliance in Workday with the instructions provided in the Job-Related Skill Enhancement Comment Template.

Approval documentation shall be submitted through administrative channels to the appropriate approvers and contain the Position ID and Title, the employee’s name and UIN, date of certification, current salary, proposed salary, proposed effective date of salary adjustment and a justification statement. The justification statement will indicate that the employee took the initiative through their own efforts to increase their job worth and significantly enhance their value to their organization by obtaining a degree, certificate, license or other evidence of completion of a prescribed program.

System Wide Pay Plan Positions (SWPP):

Texas A&M Positions:

  • Up to 10% not to exceed the pay plan maximum – Texas A&M and Division of Research positions: Vice Presidents or designees may approve requests for Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increases up to 10%, not to exceed the pay plan maximum.

Rates above the pay plan maximum: Requests for rates exceeding the pay plan maximum, must have the approval of the appropriate Vice President or designee and the Vice President for HROE or designee. Excluded Positions:

Vice Presidents or designees may approve requests for Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay increases up to 10%.

In Workday, the department will submit a Request Compensation Change and select “Skill Enhancement Increase” as the reason. Approval documentation shall be submitted as an attachment or a comment within the request.

For guidance, refer to:

In any division where the approval of Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay has been delegated, a copy of the approving memorandum will be forwarded to the office of the appropriate Vice President.

A copy of the approval documents will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.

[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey