Unsafe Work or Travel Conditions

Eligible employees may receive emergency leave when unsafe conditions in their workplace environment prevent them from being at work during his or her scheduled time. Employees may also receive emergency leave when unsafe travel conditions delay or prevent them from being at work.

Temporary Worksite Closure Due to Unsafe Work or Travel Conditions

Emergency leave for eligible employees may be approved in those instances where the University is not officially closed, but where offices or worksites must be closed due to hazardous conditions. Examples of such conditions that may warrant a building or worksite emergency closing would be heating/air conditioning failure, toxic fumes in the workplace, or other conditions that may be deemed unsafe for employees.

Leave Provisions During a Temporary Workplace Closure

  • Eligible non-exempt (hourly) employees who are required to work during the emergency will be granted equivalent compensatory time in addition to being paid for the hours worked.
  • Exempt (monthly) employees who are required to work during the emergency will not be granted equivalent compensatory time off; however, management may award employees for exceptional performance during a workplace closure with paid administrative leave as allowed by Standard Administrative Procedure 31.01.01.M5.01: Administrative Leave with Pay.
  • Employees who are on approved leave when an emergency is declared will not have the leave changed to emergency leave.
  • Closure of individual departments or units resulting from unsafe working or travel conditions must be approved by the Assistant Vice President of Safety and Security department or the unit's respective Vice President.

Employees Unable to Report to Work Due to Unsafe Travel Conditions

Employees who live in remote areas may be particularly subject to unsafe travel conditions such as flooding, road icing, or other conditions that may delay or prevent their ability to report to work when the University has not officially closed. Individuals who cannot report to work or who are delayed due to these types of conditions should contact their supervisor or work area as soon as possible to discuss the circumstances. Those circumstances may be significant enough to request emergency leave. The employee would be required to use other appropriate leaves, such as vacation or compensatory time, in the event the request is not approved.

Approval Process

Employees who live in remote areas and are unable to report to work on time due to inclement weather may request emergency leave with pay for unsafe work or travel conditions through their supervisor. Supervisors should forward such requests through the appropriate chain of authority to their respective Vice President. Department heads may request emergency leave on behalf of an affected employee or a group of affected employees.

Additional Information

[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey