University Closure Due to Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies

In the event that Texas A&M University is closed due to inclement weather or other emergencies, watch for updates on the Campus Emergency site, alerts from Code Maroon, or on the Texas A&M homepage. You may also want to review the Campus Safety and Emergency Procedures.

Essential Personnel

Some employees, because of the nature of their work, will be required to work while the University is closed. In general, an "essential" employee during an emergency closing is defined as an employee whose job duties affect the security, safety, or physical operation of the University (including providing services to students). Department heads are familiar with the commitments and requirements of their areas of responsibility within the University and are uniquely positioned to make the decision as to who needs to work as an essential employee during a closure. Employees should speak to their respective supervisors to determine whether or not they will be required to work while the University is closed.

Work Performed During an Emergency Closing

  • Hourly Employees - Non-exempt (hourly) employees who are required to work while the University is closed will receive compensatory time off or overtime pay in accordance with System Regulation 31.01.09: Overtime. Supervisors may use their discretion in revising schedules for those employees who must work while the University is closed.
  • Monthly Employees - Exempt (monthly) employees who are required to work while the University is closed will not receive compensatory time off for the time worked. 

Leave Provisions During a University Closure

  • Emergency leave with pay will be granted to eligible employees who do not work their assigned shifts when the University is closed due to inclement weather or other emergencies.
  • An employee who is scheduled to be away from work on approved leave during the University closure will not have his/her leave changed to emergency leave; essentially, the employee was not required to report to work and therefore was not impacted by the adverse weather conditions.

Employees Delayed or Unable to Report Back to Work After University Is Opened

An employee who is delayed or is not able to return to work when the University reopens due to impassable roads or other conditions should discuss the situation with his/her supervisor, as the circumstances may warrant additional emergency leave that may be approved by a respective Vice President.

  • Approval Process - Employees who are unable to return to work after the University is re-opened may request emergency leave with pay for unsafe work or travel conditions through Workday if they are unable to return to work when the University is no longer officially closed. Approvals will route through the pre-subscribed routing process in Workday.



[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey