Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are you a service member looking to transition smoothly into a civilian career? The Texas A&M SkillBridge Program is designed to provide you with the resources and support you need to make this important step. Explore our FAQs to find answers to common questions about the application process, eligibility, and the benefits of participating in the program. We're here to help you succeed!
Application Process
Interested service members can ask questions by contacting their installation transition assistance office, education office, or other support office. Additional information can be found in the "How to Participate" section.
Service members should contact their installation SkillBridge point of contact for details about service and command-specific guidance. If unavailable, submit a question through the DoD SkillBridge website's Contact Us link.
Eligibility & Timing
Service members can participate within 180 days of discharge or release from active duty, provided they have served 180 continuous days on active duty. Approval authority rests with the first field grade commander authorized to impose non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the UCMJ.
Service members may participate no earlier than 180 days before their release from active duty.
Yes, all ranks are eligible with command approval. Check service-specific guidance for any restrictions.
Program Details
The internship ranges from 90 to 180 days, depending on branch and rank.
Yes, onboarding activities are recognized as part of the program.
Service members can participate at locations and installations other than where they are currently assigned. They are responsible for their own travel.
Generally, service members may not accept gifts from a SkillBridge industry partner. Subsidies or reimbursements for subsistence, lodging, and travel costs may be offered if available to all similar training participants.
Responsibilities & Requirements
Yes, the assigned unit/command retains responsibility. SkillBridge program managers may assist but cannot replace the commander's responsibilities.
The decision to grant or adjust participation time remains with the chain of command.
No, the Department of Defense remains responsible for all pay and benefits during participation.
No, each department screens and selects candidates for their SkillBridge opportunity. Departments are encouraged to work with the Texas A&M SkillBridge Program team to display qualifications.
Additional Information
No, participation is optional.
Yes, service-specific instructions are available on the DoD SkillBridge website's Resources page.
Yes, Texas A&M must host at least five SkillBridge candidates per year.
Contact Us
Matt Lockwood, MGySgt, USMC (Ret)
HROE DoD SkillBridge Program Director
Plan Your Future. Leverage Your Benefits.
Texas A&M University is proud to partner with the DoD SkillBridge program.
There are program partners in all career fields, including esteemed employers like Amazon, John Deere, Lockheed Martin, UnitedHealth Group, and the U.S. Veterans Administration—and hundreds more!
Learn more about this exciting opportunity and how Texas A&M University is dedicated to supporting your transition to a successful civilian career.