Workday Weekly Updates

Workday Training Updates -  Week of 03/07/2022

  • New User Guides
    • Export Control Review (Edit Additional Data) / job aid – document Export Control Review in Workday
    • Absence Certifications (Edit Additional Data) / job aid – outlines the process for Absence Administrators, Absence Partners and HR Partners to enter absence certification using Additional Data to record an Employee’s authorization to request specific Time Off plans
  • Updated User Guides
    • Manage Certifications for your Employee / job aid – updated to reflect that Absence certifications are no longer housed in this area; added a redirect to security roles to see the new job aid Absence Certifications (Edit Additional Data)
    • Manage Your Certifications and Licenses / job aid – updated the Important Information section to redirect user to new job aid Absence Certifications (Edit Additional Data)
    • Manage Supervisory Organizations / job aid – updated to reflect Organization Partner’s ability to assign the Manager security role to a new supervisory organization
    • Time Off Plans / reference guide – remove “talent” from the certification titles to reflect the absence certification functionality being moved out of Talent; also updated information that was missing on other Time Off Plans that were listed
    • Additional Data Custom Objects / reference guide – added two additional Custom Objects; one for Absence Certification and one for Export Control
  • Retired User Guide
    • Assignable Roles for Security in Workday / reference guide – information is available directly from Workday Help (Support > Security Roles); this page was updated to reflect new security roles and updates to existing security; updates were made for Vaccine Partner, Background Check Partner, Organization Partner, Export Control Partner

Workday Training Updates – Week of January 10, 2022

  • Updated User Guides
    • Maintain Accrual (Job Aid) - updated to include information to allow an employee to donate sick or vacation time to the newly created Family Pool
    • Time Off Plan (Reference Guide) - updated to include information to allow an employee to donate sick or vacation time to the newly created Family Pool
  • New User Guides
    • Managing Your Vaccine Information (Job Aid) - how to enter vaccine information or request an exemption or accommodation

Workday Training Updates – Week of October 18, 2021

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Add Additional Job – replaced screenshot of Additional Details on page 2
    • Termination (Involuntary & Involuntary)  – ADDED: The Payroll Partner may receive the To Do Inactivate Ongoing Payroll Input, Withholding Order or Tax Treaty to end the tax treaty or inactivate the withholding order; the Payroll Partner may receive an inbox step End Ongoing Payroll Inputs to confirm or edit the end date of any ongoing payroll inputs.
    • Termination (Voluntary) – ADDED:  The Payroll Partner will receive a To Do Update Benefit Replacement Pay ID if the termination was for the reason of retirement
    • Edit Payment Election – include when the employee changes ORP vendors
    • Correct ORP Employer Contributions – updated process
  • Updated Reference Guide
    • Custom Other IDs – updated BRP (Benefits Replacement Pay): added a note to re-set the value to 0 if an employee was previously eligible for BRP and becomes ineligible
  • New Webinar
    • Student and Graduate Assistant Employees (deck/video) – describes the Hire and Onboarding business processes for undergraduate and graduate students; topics include understanding how to appropriately complete the Hire process, the Onboarding actions by Employer and Employees, and taking an active approach in monitoring new hire activities

Workday Services Training Changes, Week of October 11, 2021

  • New Job Aids
    • Return to Retire (Worker Already in Workday) – describes how to Add Retiree Partner Status to a Terminated Worker’s record and how to initiate a Change Benefits Event when the Employee is Returning to Retire
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Return to Retire (Worker Not in Workday) – process for a Benefits or Retiree Partner to add an Employee who is returning to retire in Workday but left before Workday was established
    • Onboarding – as requested by Benefits Working Group and supported by System Benefits Administration, the question and answers to the Insurance and Retirement Eligibility Questions custom object need to be revised to make it more user-intuitive on which answers to select. The Insurance and Retirement Eligibility Questions are inbox items during Onboarding and Edit Effective-Dated Additional Data business processes.
    • Create Position – notifications to Manger and HR Contact when a new position is successfully created
  • New Webinar
    • Correct, Cancel and Rescind (deck/video) – detailed overview about business process definitions and framework for Correct, Cancel and Rescind

Workday Services Training Changes, Week of August 2, 2021

  • New Job Aids
    • Check In and Check Out – outlines the process for an Employee to enter time in Workday using Check In and Check Out
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Mark Pre-Hires for Deletion – added prerequisite and up next information
    • Termination (Voluntary/Involuntary) – added note for approval by Graduate Studies Partner to Termination and End Additional Job
    • End Additional Job – added note for approval by Graduate Studies Partner to Termination and End Additional Job
  • Updated Reference Guides
    • Change Job Reasons – added examples of when the Change Job Reason may be used
    • Correct, Cancel and Rescind – Recruiting Partners can now Cancel the Job Requisition
  • New Webinars
    • Evergreen Process (deck/video) – explore the evergreen requisition process including linking requisitions to the evergreen and managing and hiring candidates in the evergreen pool
    • Job Application Process (deck/video) – review of the job application process from start to finish highlighting this year’s changes and updates to the process
    • Workday Staffing Part 1:  UINs and Pre-hire Records (deck/video) – best practices for starting a hire, checking UIN Search and Manager, using the Workday Search feature, running the Ineligible for Rehire Report and more; learn to identify duplicate records and pre-hire records linked to a requisition, finding no show and ineligible for hire records, correcting pre-hire records and marking the correct pre-hire for deletion

Workday Services Training Changes, Week of May 17, 2021

User Guides

  • Job Aids
    • NEW:  Managing Off-Cycle Payments – provides guidance on processing the various different types of off-cycle payments
    • NEW:  Processing Error on Reversal – provides guidance on how to process an error for a reversal when there is a unsupported retro on assign pay group
    • RETIRED:  Payroll Reversals – this information is now included in the comprehensive job aid provided above
    • UPDATED:  Onboarding: Employee Perspective – change configuration of Privacy Flag to Public Access Choice
    • UPDATED:  Edit Non-Effective Dated Additional Data – change configuration of Privacy Flag to Public Access Choice
    • UPDATED:  Edit Worker Additional Data Event – change configuration of Privacy Flag to Public Access Choice
  • Reference Guides
    • UPDATED:  Onboarding by Security Roles – change configuration of Privacy Flag to Public Access Choice
    • UPDATED:  Additional Data Custom Objects – change configuration of Privacy Flag to Public Access Choice


  • Deck/Video
    • NEW:  Processing One-Time Payments and Work Period – overview on how to make sure to process one-time payment requests on time for payroll and what are the best practices; the options available to process one-time payments; selecting an annual work period from list of options available and different scenarios for annual work period updates for both new hires and existing employees with extensions
    • NEW:  Faculty Tenure and Emeritus Status – overview of how Workday has been configured to be the official record of source for Faculty Tenure and Emeritus awards


Workday Services Training Changes, Week of May 3, 2021

User Guides

  • Job Aids
    • UPDATED:  Set Up Benefits to Begin Prior to SGIP – added information regarding the new To Do for a Benefits Partner if an employee changes benefits during SGIP wait period
    • UPDATED:  Complete Alternate Open Enrollment for Your Retiree – updated Step 1 in Page 2  as the benefit event has been renamed to Alternate Open Enrollment – Retirees
    • UPDATED:  Hire – added review step for overriding MSO Code in staffing processes by HR Partners
    • UPDATED:  Add Additional Job – added review step for overriding MSO Code in staffing processes by HR Partners
  • Reference Guides
    • UPDATED:  Benefit Events and Explanations – updated names of three benefit events: Alternate OE – Retirees, Involuntary Termination, and Life Insurance Premium Waiver (formerly End of Premium Waiver)


  • Deck/Video
    • NEW:  Utilizing Goals – overview of the different types of Goals, Managing Goals and Archiving of Goals; review of the Goal setting process and how it works with the performance review process
    • NEW:  Change Job Template for Job Classification Changes – overview of the new Change Job Template functionality that allows authorized security roles to more easily perform Job Classification changes for the Worker


Workday Services Training Changes, Week of April 19, 2021

User Guides

  • Job Aids
    • UPDATED:  Termination Involuntary – Assign Roles will be replaced with a To Do step in Termination
    • UPDATED:  Termination Voluntary – Assign Roles will be replaced with a To Do step in Termination
    • UPDATED:  Managing Medicare Information for Your Employee – updated process/behavior; it is requested that a To Do to the Retiree Partner requiring them to manually trigger the event if it is needed is used; this To Do will trigger if either the Retiree or Retiree Partner initiates the Medicare Information change; updating existing To Do: Add Medical Change Only benefit event for Retiree; this is used in the Onboarding business process as well
    • UPDATED:  Managing Your Medicare Information – updated process/behavior; it is requested that a To Do to the Retiree Partner requiring them to manually trigger the event if it is needed is used; this To Do will trigger if either the Retiree or Retiree Partner initiates the Medicare Information change; updating existing To Do: Add Medical Change Only benefit event for Retiree; this is used in the Onboarding business process as well
  • Reference Guides
    • UPDATED:  Onboarding – modify Passport & Visa step in Onboarding from To Do to Action step
    • UPDATED:  Benefit Events and Explanations – create new COBRA reason; create New Involuntary Termination Benefit Event and map to new COBRA reason; it will be the same behavior as the existing termination event; also need to exclude Involuntary Termination from the existing Termination event
    • UPDATED:  Onboarding Processes by Security Role – the Assign Roles step triggers if the employee being terminated was in a position assigned one or more security roles; the recommended best practice is to leave the roles assigned to the position so that the replacing employee can step into those duties; in most cases, the step is submitted without a change; in rare cases when security roles must be reassigned to a different position (and employee), the actions cannot be completed until Statement of Responsibility forms are signed and approved, which take additional time to process and delays completing the Termination business process step


  • Deck/Video
    • NEW:  Webinar: Merit Preview 2021 – overview of the merit process with things that remain the same and recent updates made; details about upcoming Merit activities that need to be completed with recommended timelines


Workday Training Updates – Week of December 7, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Assign Costing Allocations – clarified process for setting the dates and added an explanation for using the copy allocation feature
    • Certify Dependents – updated to include note about time frame for certifying grandchildren
    • Add Additional Job – To Do To Edit Effective Custom Dated Object now routes to HR contact instead of employee
  • Updated Reference Guide
    • Assignable Roles for Security in Workday – added IT Partner to assignable roles tab
  • WebEx Deck / Recording
    • Job Overlap Period – deck only at this time
Workday Training Updates – Weeks of November 23 and 30, 2020
  • New Job Aids
    • Managing Security Role Assignments for an Employee – the process for HR Contacts, HR Partners and Organization Partners to view, assign and remove security roles on an Employee’s position
    • Managing Security Roles on Organizations (Security Partner) – the activities for the Role Maintainer to assign roles to a Supervisory Organization and select appropriate Employees to be assigned to those roles
    • Reviewing Security Role Assignments (Change Job) – the activities for HR Contacts or HR Partners to review security role assignments for an Employee’s position that is vacated during a Change Job business process
  • Updated Job Aid
    • Job Application Process – update the Reference Check business process and Interview business process moving the Review Candidate for Duplicates to the first step in both business processes
  • New Reference Guide
    • Assignable Roles for Security in Workday – provides an overview of the various security roles that currently exist in Workday, the actions the security role can perform along with examples and where they are typically assigned
  • Updated Reference Guide
    • Custom Other IDs – clarified valid entries for the Identification # field for Selective Service

Workday Training Updates – Week of August 10, 2020

  • Retired Job Aid
    • Managing Safety Incidents – functionality has been deprecated
  • New Reference Guides
    • Processing Arrears in Workday – coming soon!
    • Emoluments – coming soon!
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Workday Staffing Pt 1:  Preparing for the Hire – provides best practices for starting a hire; topics include learning to identify duplicate records and pre-hire records, finding no show and ineligible for hire records, correcting pre-hire records and marking the correct pre-hire for deletion

Workday Training Updates – Week of August 3, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Onboarding – refreshed all screenshots, added new slides for introductory letter and onboarding dashboards, and added important note to complete tasks as they are presented in Workday
    • Hire – under the UIN To Do processes: added a best practice enumeration to include the UIN in the Workday comments box
    • Contract Contingent Worker – under the UIN To Do processes: added a best practice enumeration to include the UIN in the Workday comments box

Workday Training Updates – Week of July 13, 2020

  • New Job Aids
    • Update Retiree Electronic Communication (Retiree Partner) – outlines the process for a Retiree Partner to update the Electronic Communication Flag to choose the preferred method to receive information from the A&M System about retirement and insurance benefits on behalf of a Retiree
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Managing Search Committees – updated information on how to add security roles simultaneously to all committee members as opposed to one at a time
    • Review ORP Eligibility Document – replaced screenshot that had orange button; corrected text case of employee to Employee; updated Important Info section
    • Add Retiree Status – added note about Retiree Electronic Communication To Do
    • Ready to Retire – added note about Retiree Electronic Communication To Do
    • Return to Retire – added note about Retiree Electronic Communication To Do; replaced screenshots that had orange buttons; clarified Identifier for Organization at Billing
    • Change Benefits Life Event – added note about Retiree Electronic Communication To Do
    • Add a Surviving Dependent – updated several screenshots for the benefit questions and some that had orange buttons
    • Edit Worker Additional Data Event – updated several screenshots for the benefit questions and some that had orange buttons
    • Onboarding – updated several screenshots for the benefit questions

Workday Training Updates – Week of June 29, 2020

  • New Job Aid
    • Correct ORP Employer Contributions – outlines the process for a Payroll Partner to correct Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) Employer Contributions when an Employee moves from ORP to Teacher Retirement System (TRS)
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Summer Staffing Changes: Impact to Open Enrollment – discusses summer staffing events with effective dates on or before September 1 which can impact Open Enrollment for the Employee

Workday Training Updates – Week of June 8, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Managing Your Time Off – updated some processes to clarify how an Employee should cancel time off that has been approved using the Correct Time Off process, and several screen shots were replaced due to changes in the Workday interface
    • Complete Open Enrollment – updated to reflect the new Open Enrollment user interface
    • Complete Open Enrollment for Your Employee – updated to reflect the new Open Enrollment user interface
    • Complete Alternate Open Enrolment for Your Retiree – updated to reflect the new Open Enrollment user interface
    • Change Benefits (Life Event) – added a note indicating that it is recommended that a sum is entered annually rather than by paycheck for Spending Account Elections
    • Dependent Event (Benefits Partner) – added a note to review additional job aids for information on how to certify Dependent grandchildren; updated the process on how to certify new Dependents based on configuration changes made to Workday by the Benefits functional team
    • Add Coverage to Your New Dependent – updated the process and screen shots on how to certify new Dependents based on configuration changes made to Workday by the Benefits functional team and added missing steps and screen shots on electing coverages for FSAs
    • Termination (Voluntary) – updated a cross-referenced job aid that was archived and replaced it with the new job aid; also replaces screen shots that had changed due to configuration changes
    • Termination (Involuntary) – replaced screen shots that had changed due to configuration changes
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Onboarding Dashboard – provides information on the new Onboarding Dashboard that offers an effective way for new employees to integrate into their organization and enhances an employee’s overall onboarding experience
    • Spotlight on Search Committees – provides an overview of Search Committees and how they work, alternative methods to use Search Committees, as well as guidance on the process for assigning roles
  • eLearning
    • Completing Open Enrollment in Workday 2020 (Employees and Retirees) – provides information on how Employees and Retirees would navigate to complete their Open Enrollment Change Task
    • Completing Open Enrollment in Workday 2020 (Benefit and Retiree Partners) – provides information on how Benefit and Retiree Partners would navigate to complete the Open Enrollment Change Task on behalf of an employee

Workday Training Updates – Week of May 26, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Add Retiree Status – added instructions for missing task Enter "Retiree Electronic Communication for Retiree" custom object
    • Ready to Retire – added instructions for missing task Enter "Retiree Electronic Communication for Retiree" custom object
    • Return to Retire – added instructions for missing task Enter "Retiree Electronic Communication for Retiree" custom object

Workday Training Updates – Week of May 4, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Change Job – renaming existing To Do for Payroll Partner to support configuration change:
      • The Payroll Partner on the vacated position may receive the To Do Inactivate Ongoing Payroll Input, Withholding Order, or Tax Treaty to end date the payroll input for these items and report the termination date for the withholding order to the Attorney General’s office website
    • Manage Supervisory Organizations – Up Next section clarified when the Manager security role must be assigned and inheritance implications
    • Termination Involuntary – clarified Workday’s handling of marking employees ineligible for rehire
    • Termination Voluntary – clarified Workday’s handling of marking employees ineligible for rehire
    • Enter Time Off for Your Employees – added a note that unpaid time off for faculty and staff requires approval by the Absence Partner
    • Managing Time Off Requests – added a note that unpaid time off for faculty and staff requires approval by the Absence Partner
    • Managing Your Time Off – added a note that unpaid time off for faculty and staff requires approval by the Absence Partner
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Manage Interview – discusses how the interview stage within the Job Application business process will function differently for Manager, Recruiting Coordinators, and Recruiting Partners; compares the old and new processes and provides relevant demos

Workday Training Updates – Week of April 27, 2020

  • New Job Aids
    • Managing Your Medicare Information – outlines the activities for an Employee or Retiree to add or change Medicare information for self or a Dependent in Workday
    • Managing Medicare Information for Your Employee – outlines the process for a Benefits Partner or Retiree Partner to add Medicare information such as the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) number and enrollment dates
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Add a Graduate Fellow – deleted verbiage from overview: updated onboarding questions and privacy flag – configuration change done in early April removed this step; added bullet to important section to notify Benefits Partner that onboarding questions and privacy flag are no longer required for Graduate Fellow
    • Termination Involuntary – renamed existing To Do for Payroll Partners to support configuration change:
      • The Payroll Partner may receive the To Do Inactivate Ongoing Payroll Input, Withholding Order, or Tax Treaty to end date the payroll input for these items and report the termination to the Attorney General’s office website
    • Termination Voluntary – renamed existing To Do for Payroll Partners to support configuration change:
      • The Payroll Partner may receive the To Do Inactivate Ongoing Payroll Input, Withholding Order, or Tax Treaty to end date the payroll input for these items and report the termination to the Attorney General’s office website
    • WebEx Decks / Recordings
      • Payroll Reversals – provides an overview of the Payroll Reversal task, a demonstration of the process and discusses important details such as impacts to FAMIS

Workday Training Updates – Week of April 20, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Request Time Off (Families First Coronavirus Response Act) – updated to reflect change of name to Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and additional clarifications on qualifying and eligibility
    • Set Up Benefits to Begin Prior to SGIP – updated to include information to Benefits Partners: starting benefits prior to SGIP for current employees moving into a benefit-eligible position
    • Assign Costing Allocations – updated with a note indicating that the worktag field cannot be left blank or an error will be received
    • Hire – updated with a note indicating that the worktag field cannot be left blank or an error will be received
    • Changed Job – updated with a note indicating that the worktag field cannot be left blank or an error will be received
    • Manage Your SSN and other Government IDs – updated with expanded instructions on adding/editing SSN and other government IDs
  • New Reference Guide
    • Compensation Grade Adjustment – explains what happens when the Pay Plan Administrator updated the grade for a particular job profile and outlines the responsibilities of the HR Partners
  • Updated Reference Guides
    • Benefit Events and Explanations – added new benefit event "Job Change – Starting Benefits Before SGIP"; this event will be used instead of a hire benefit event for current employees who are in a position that is not eligible for benefits and are moving to a job that is benefits eligible
    • Costing Allocations – updated with a note indicating that the worktag field cannot be left blank or an error will be received

Workday Training Updates – Week of April 13, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Manage Your Personal Information – corrected template; step enumerations were missing
    • Managing Search Committees – added detailed instructions; TO DO – Add Role to External Committee Member
  • New Reference Guides
    • Custom Other IDs – explains the Custom Other IDs that are used for Benefits, Payroll, Staffing, and Time/Absence, their possible values, and how the IDs are used; this guide replaces the Custom IDs for Benefits reference guide
    • Payroll Reversals in FAMIS – provides further information on the accounting impact of payroll reversals; work with your payroll accountant to complete the entire process
    • Understanding Your Wage and Tax Statement (W-2) – provides a basic overview of the W-2 and the various calculations used to provide the data Employees see in each box
  • New eLearning
    • Working in Workday (Employees) – this course is designed to introduce the Workday application to Employees within The Texas A&M University System; topics include Workday Basics, Navigating Workday, Employee Self-Service, and Workday Support
    • Working in Workday (Managers) – this course is designed to introduce the Workday application to Managers within The Texas A&M University System; topics include Manager Roles, Managing Time Entries, Time Off Requests, and Delegations, as well as Manager Specific Worklets, Performance, Recruiting, and Workday Help

Workday Training Updates – April 6, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Hire – updated to reflect the new search feature for prehire
    • Add a Surviving Dependent – updated to reflect the new search feature for prehire
    • Contract Contingent Worker – updated to reflect the new search feature for prehire
    • Add a Graduate Fellow – updated to reflect the new search feature for prehire
    • Return to Retire – updated to reflect the new search feature for prehire
    • Change Job – updated to reflect new request one-time payment to manager when coming from recruiting
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Goals and Performance Review – provided a refresher on goals and the goal setting business process, archiving goals, and how to find archived goals

Workday Services Training Changes, Week of April 5, 2021

User Guides

  • Job Aid
    • UPDATED:  Create Questionnaire for Job Requisition – updated process for Recruiting Partner to create a questionnaire for a job requisition in support of changes made by WD2021R1
    • UPDATED:  Change Job – refined the job page information section to reflect that users will not be able to select the create new position option during the Change Job due to a new validation that was put into production
    • RETIRED:  Create Questions and Questionnaires – WD2021R1 made significant changes to interface, process and the way Recruiting Partners actually use the create question business process required this job aid to be archived and rewritten
  • Reference Guide
    • NEW:  Correct Worker Start Date – guides you on how the process works and when to use the Correct task instead


  • Deck/Video
    • Retirement – discusses the process of retirement from both the staffing and benefits perspective


Workday Training Updates – March 30, 2020

  • New Job Aids
    • Payroll Reversal – outlines the activities for a Payroll Partner or Payroll Administrator to reverse a payroll result
    • Change Job (Graduate Fellow) – outlines the activities necessary to set up the appropriate custom ID and initiate the Change Job business process for a Graduate Fellow who has been hired into a non-benefits eligible position
    • Complete Your W-4 in Workday (Onboarding) – outlines the steps for an Employees to complete their Federal Tax Election Form W-4 in Workday during the Onboarding process
    • Edit Your W-4 in Workday – outlines the steps for an Employee to edit their Federal Tax Election Form W-4 in Workday
  • Updated Job Aid
    • Change Job – added a reminder that if the employee is a Graduate Fellow to refer to the job aid Change Job (Graduate Fellow)
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Summer Appointments – reviews best practices for extending appointment of Faculty and Graduate Assistants into the summer semester and the impacts on insurance coverage; guidance is provided on best practices for staffing and compensation as well as collaboration between Human Resources, Benefits and Payroll Services

Workday Training Updates – March 23, 2020

  • New Job Aid
    • Completing Your W-4 in Workday – coming soon
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Managing Employee Participation in Merit – only the date updated after a review
    • Merit Process - Maintain Pools – only the date updated after a review
    • Merit Reports - Compensation Changes and Rewards – updates made regarding reports that have been created to improve the process
    • Entering Merit Awards – new search feature highlighted
  • New Reference Guide
    • Understanding Your W-2 – coming soon
    • Managing the Merit Process – new dashboard highlighted, new reports explained and more information provided on PBA and Workday process that has improved via EIB (mass upload)
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Merit 2020 Preview – overview of what to expect this year during merit including the pain points from last year and how those have been addressed

Workday Training Updates – March 16, 2020

  • New Job Aid
    • Death of Dependent – outlines the activities for a Benefits or Retiree Partner to update an Employee or Retiree’s health coverages due to the death of a Dependent
  • Updated Job Aid
    • Correct, Cancel and Rescind – added statement to inform users where to find the new "Correct Cancel and Rescind Reference Guide"; the new guide details security roles and permissions
  • New Reference Guide
    • Correct, Cancel and Rescind – a comprehensive list by security role of business processes that can be corrected, canceled, or rescinded

Workday Training Updates – Week of March 2, 2020

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Add a Surviving Dependent – edited to reflect the updated name of the ID "organization at Retirement or Deployment for Military Leave Dependent" to "Organization for Billing"
    • Add Retiree Status – edited to reflect the updated name of the ID "Organization at Retirement or Deployment for Military Leave Dependent" to "Organization for Billing"
    • Ready to Retire – edited to reflect the updated name of the ID "Organization at Retirement or Deployment for Military Leave Dependent" to "Organization for Billing"
    • Return to Retire – edited to reflect the updated name of the ID "Organization at Retirement or Deployment for Military Leave Dependent" to "Organization for Billing"
  • New Quick Reference Guides
    • Custom IDs for Benefits – updated the name of the Custom ID "Organization at Retirement or Deployment for Military Leave Dependent" to "Organization for Billing"; this ID is no longer just used for Retirees and Military Members but now includes all New Employees Benefits Only and Surviving Dependents
  • Updated Quick Reference Guides
    • Leave of Absence – graphic updated due to text change in instructions
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Recruiting Dashboard Enhancements – explored new features that allow you to view job requisitions, evergreens and recruiting processes with a finer granularity; demonstrated how reports are pulled faster and easier using new tabs and enhanced filtering
    • Workday Release Preview (Spring 2020) – slide deck and WebEx recording posted

Workday Training Updates – Weeks of February 3 and February 10

  • New Job Aids
    • Death of Dependent – explains to Benefits and Retiree Partners how to properly change the benefits when there has been a death of an Employee
    • View Position Restrictions – guides Employees, Managers, and HR Personnel on how to view the Employee’s position restrictions
    • Edit Benefit Event – updated title and overview to remove the word correct
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Record US Withholding Order for Worker – major updates to include important information for when a deduction recipient is not currently existing in Workday and provides further clarification on fields
    • Death of Retiree – effective date updated to day after date of death date
  • Retired Job Aids
    • Benefit Partner Corrects a Benefits Event – replaced by Edit Benefit Event
  • New Quick Reference Guides
    • Deduction Recipients – discusses the appropriate processes for getting a Deduction Recipient set up in Workday for the purpose of Withholding Orders
  • Updated Quick Reference Guides
    • Custom IDs for Benefits – clarification added for TRS/ORP Override
    • Benefit Events and Explanations – edited to include minor changes such as renaming of events and adding information where necessary for coverage and deduction end dates
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Custom I Employee Development Items - discusses the Development Items feature in Workday which allows Managers and Employees to work together to create items to track the growth and development of an Employee's knowledge, skills and abilities; discusses the difference between Goals and Development Items, how to create and manage Development Items and review available reports 

Workday Updates week of February 10, 2020

  • Use of Special Characters in Workday
    • First name or last name entries in Workday that include special characters such as a comma, period or parenthesis cause errors when data is sent to insurance vendors or other systems, and are not consistent with Social Security Administration rules for name formats. Workday Services is evaluating rules to restrict the use of special characters or all capitals, as well as executing a cleaning-up process.
    • Please encourage employees and others who assist with worker data in Workday to not use special characters in any name field unless it is reflected on their Social Security Card, nor in addresses or contact information. 
    • The only special characters allowed are apostrophe (‘) and hyphen (-). 
  • To Do Record Form I-9 Completed in Guardian step in the Onboarding business process
    • Removed now that an integration from Guardian I-9 to Workday is in place to update the Other IDs.
  • End dates for salary plans
    • Are not required if the end date is the same as the end of the work period for the employee.
    • Best case use for end dates is using them for allowances such as temporary salary increase or department head stipends.
  • NEW Report – New Employees Event Status Summary
    • Returns event details for new employees to help track the hire or transfer progress.
    • HR Contacts can run the report.
  • Updated Reports
    • Business Process Events / Business Process Events – Worker Compensation Details / Business Process Events – Worker Staffing Details
      • UIN has been added next to the worker’s name in each of the reports.  
      • If the business process is not for an employee, then a UIN will not be displayed (e.g. Create Position).
      • HR Contact can run these reports.
    • All Worker Time Off / Absence Partner View All Worker Time Off / All Worker Time Off (Active and Terminated)
      • Consolidated into one report, All Worker Time Off, with additional columns and prompts to achieve a better user experience.
      • Will return all time off entries for active and terminated workers in prompted organizations where the worker’s time off date falls on or within the specified date range.
      • Absence Partners and Timekeepers can run the report.
    • Workers with No Time Entered / Workers with Time Entered but Not Submitted / Workers with Time Submitted but Not Approved
      • These reports are no longer available in Workday.
      • Time Summary Review is the primary report that can be filtered to find employees with no time entered or time submitted but not approved.
      • Timekeeper can run this report.
    • Workday Home Page
      • An announcement will show on the Workday home page when an employee has an "in progress" benefit.
      • This is meant to remind the employee that they should complete their benefit enrollment, and provides additional information and instructions.

Workday Training Updates for the Week of December 16, 2019

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Report Safety Incident – name changed to Managing Safety Incidents; added a section on how to edit and how to rescind based on last week’s release of the rescind
  • Updated Quick Reference Guides
    • Benefit Events and Explanations – Dependent Life has been added to the coverage type for the Leave of Absence benefit event; Alternate Basic Life has also been added to the Life Insurance Change benefit event
    • Custom IDs for Benefits – Custom IDs of C (employee is eligible for TRS Care Surcharge – Teacher Retirement System Plan), S (employee is eligible for Teacher Retirement System Surcharge – Teacher Retirement System), and CS (employee is eligible for both the Teacher Retirement System Surcharge – Teacher Retirement System Plan AND TRS Care Surcharge – Teacher Retirement System Plan) have been added to the TRS Override identifier type

Workday Training Update – Week of December 9, 2019

  • New Quick Reference Guides
    • Time Off Plans – provides information on the various time off plans that are configured in Workday along with the guidelines / restrictions that govern the use of those plans
    • Leave of Absence – explains when the Benefit Partner will need to take action on events triggered by the Request Leave of Absence business process and provides information on benefit coverage, SGIP, handling arrears, summer billing and military leave dependents
  • New WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Summer Appointments for Faculty and Graduate Assistants – provides best practice recommendations for handling summer appointments of faculty and graduate assistants with the goal of ensuring employees are appropriately paid, their insurance maintained and employment benefits comply with policy
  • New eLearning / TrainTraq Additions
    • Costing Allocations – provides a comprehensive overview of the Assign Costing Allocation business process with a primary focus on Assign Costing Allocations as a sub process of Hire, Change Job and other business processes; impact to other systems when the incorrect action occurs is also discussed

Workday Training Update – Week of December 2, 2019

  • New Job Aids
    • Assign Work Schedule – provides steps for how to assign a work schedule to an employee
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Manage Delegations – when a delegate terminates, the delegator receives a notification to make an update
    • Termination Voluntary – new Review Documents task for the Terminee to submit acknowledgement
    • Termination Involuntary – new Review Documents task for the Terminee to submit acknowledgement

Recent Workday Updates

  • Citizenship
    • a change was made to prohibit selecting more than one citizenship value in the Personal Information Change business process
    • will prohibit errors in reporting and downstream systems when employees were selecting more than one citizenship
  • Assign Pay Group in Change Job
    • rules have been updated to only route to the Payroll Partner when the event includes a change to Pay Rate Type or Company
  • Other IDs
    • only one row should exist for any custom Other ID type
    • Other IDs are designed to be a point-in-time record of current state, not a running history
    • the history of the ID can be seen in Worker History
  • New Step in Termination
    • a review document step was added to the Termination business process for Faculty, Staff and Graduate Assistant employees
    • this step is for the employee to acknowledge return of all Texas A&M System data or information on or before the last day of employment
    • a notification conveying the same information is provided to all employees when submitting the Termination business process
    • these action were added to Workday at the request of the Office of General Counsel
  • One-Time Payments
    • a warning message has been added regarding the usage of the "Scheduled Payment Date" field
    • the message will be displayed only when the Scheduled Payment Date field is changed to a different value than the effective date
    • the message displayed is "Scheduled Payment Date is not the actual pay date. Scheduled Payment Date has been changed and will override the effective date for one-time payment. Please review and click "Submit" again to proceed."

 Workday Training Update – Week of November 11, 2019

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Manage Your Personal Information – updated the verbiage in the overview section to call out the editable fields (gender, date of birth, race/ethnicity, citizenship status and nationality); added two bullets in the important information section calling out that military status is not editable and relaying directions on how to enter and update veteran status in Workday
  • WebEx Decks/Recordings
    • Spotlight on Costing Allocations – explains how costing allocations are set up within Workday, the various levels of costing allocations, the key components of the task, and how costing allocations function with Workday and FAMIS; video and the Q&A are posted along with the deck
  • eLearning
    • Working in Workday – in revision; split into Employee version and a Manager version

Workday Training Changes – Week of September 30, 2019

  • Updated Job Aids
    • Managing Supervisory Organizations – added information about future dating
    • Onboarding – eliminated the need for HR Contact to trigger Add Additional Data Event
    • Onboarding Processes by Security Role – eliminated the need for HR Contact to trigger Add Additional Data Event
    • Hire – eliminated the need for HR Contact to trigger Add Additional Data Event
  • Retired Job Aid
    • Maintain Payroll Limit Override – new report created for Workday Services to monitor the process and communicate with members
  • Video Help
    • Job Application Process for Managers (canceled) – interview process will likely change; video production has ceased
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Spotlight on Security Roles – deck now available
  • New eLearning
    • Guardian I-9 Administrator – on TrainTraq (for those who need an Admin role in Guardian)
    • Security Role Overview – in que
    • Staffing – in que
    • Recruiting – in que
    • Time and Absence – in que
    • Performance – in que
  • Updated eLearning
    • Working in Workday – in revision

Workday Training Changes, Week of September 9, 2019

  • New Job Aids
    • Managing Reassign Task – outlines the activities for Security Partners to proactively use the Reassign Task business process to reassign a task in another user’s inbox when the user is on vacation, unavailable or other reasons as deemed appropriate by the member. Information is also provided on managing tasks that have been requested by other security roles and require a review by the Security Partner
    • Certify Dependents – outlines the activities for Benefits and Retiree Partners to certify dependents, including grandchildren for the purpose of adding Benefits coverage
  • Updated Job Aids
    • Onboarding – tobacco usage question now asks about spouse; social security number required for certain employees
    • Change Benefits (Life Event) – tobacco usage question now asks about spouse
    • Complete Open Enrollment – tobacco usage question now asks about spouse
  • New Video Help
    • Job Application Process for Managers (in development) – takes the manager through the job application process all the way to ready for hire
  • WebEx Decks / Recordings
    • Ready to Retire – deck available
  • New eLearning
    • Security Role Overview – in que
    • Recruiting – in que
    • Performance – in que
    • Time and Absence – in que
  • Updated eLearning
    • Working in Workday – in revision
[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey