Advertising TAMU Jobs
Advertising on the Internet is the fastest growing method of reaching candidates. Our career website "Jobs @ Texas A&M" receives thousands of visits every month. Texas A&M contracts with a variety of online recruiting resources to advertise all staff positions. The annual contracts are paid by the Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE), and all positions posted on the Workday External Career site for Texas A&M University are automatically advertised by the following agencies or organizations:
- HigherEdJobs
- LinkedIn: HROE has entered into a partnership with the professional networking site LinkedIn. This partnership allows Texas A&M University, including the Texas A&M Health, to create and maintain relevant content, highlight events, advertise job opening, search for potential candidates and much more. As part of this partnership, all of our open positions are automatically advertised on LinkedIn. There is no requirement to notify HROE or request such a posting.
- Glassdoor and Indeed: HROE has entered into a partnership with these employment and company review websites Glassdoor and Indeed. This partnership allows Texas A&M University, including Texas A&M Health, to create and maintain relevant content, highlight events, advertise job openings, and much more. Anyone associated with Texas A&M University or A&M Health can leave a review of their employment or interview experience when applying for employment. As part of this partnership, we have a limited ability to advertise and sponsor jobs within Glassdoor and Indeed. The advertisement platforms targets job seekers based on their search preferences, including job title and location. We are currently advertising jobs that have an urgent need, a or are hard to fill. If your postings meet this criteria, please contact us with your request, including the requisition number. Requests will be reviewed, and if approved, jobs will be advertised for a maximum period of 15 calendar days. To maximize impact, please submit the requests as soon as the requisition is posted.
Additional Advertising Resources
The resources listed below might be helpful as departments are trying to increase the applicant pool. Please contact us if you need assistance advertising positions.
Advertising Choices
- Online Recruiting
- Newspapers and Professional Journals
- Networking
- Graystone Group Advertising
- Print Recruitment Advertising (No add-on charges)
- Display ads are graphically enhanced and emailed back with costs for charges and/or additions
- Line ads are placed directly with publication
- Ads may be placed nationally/internationally
- Contact Linda Conelius for more information
- Phone: (800) 544-0005
- Fax: (203) 549-0061