Leading Self

New program and course fees will go into effect on September 1, 2024. Enroll ahead of time to secure your seat at today's rate for fall dates!

Everyone is a leader - you do not have to be a supervisor or manager to lead at Texas A&M University. Following the progressive leadership development framework, the Leading Self leadership development program helps university employees build foundational leadership competencies to enable a common language, practice, and culture across the university community.

Competencies Being Developed

The Leading Self leadership development program focuses on the following competencies:

  • Texas A&M Mission, Vision, Values
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • Valuing Differences
  • Customer Service
  • Problem Solving & Process Improvement
  • Adapting to Change

Enroll Today!

Enroll in the Leading Self leadership development program today! To enroll, complete these four steps:

  1. Download and complete the Supervisor Approval Form.
  2. Access the Enrollment Form and begin filling out the form.
  3. Upload your completed Supervisor Approval Form to the Enrollment Form when prompted.
  4. Complete and submit the Enrollment Form.

Enrollment forms are regularly reviewed. Employees will receive confirmation of their enrollment within three (3) business days, provided enrollment and supervisor approval forms are correct and complete. Enrollment and/or supervisor approval forms needing correction and/or completion will cause delay in the enrollment process.

Impact Thus Far

After completing the Leading Self pilot in Spring 2021, pilot participants:

  • Were impressed by and valued the progressive nature of the program - how activities and each competency tied together and built upon each other
  • Overwhelmingly agreed the program:
    • Is valuable, relevant to their job, and linked to business needs in enabling one's leadership
    • Would improve performance, enhance workplace relationships, and enable positive culture change at Texas A&M University
  • All would recommend the program to their peers and supervisors across the university community
Cost: $1328 per Texas A&M University employee
Texas A&M University System employees pay a Fee Differential to participate in university programs.
Duration: 18-24 months.
It is recommended that employees devote at least 3 hours per week to complete the program within 24 months
Location: Blended
  • On-demand courses
  • Self-directed activities
  • Virtual courses
  • In person courses in College Station, TX
Check out the Learning Journey for more information
Enrollment: Enrollment form with supervisor approval
Enrollment Deadlines: 
08/07/24 (08/14/24 start date)

What Previous Participants Are Saying About Us:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):


The detailed program design for Leading Self is proprietary and only available to program participants and their supervisors. Contact Lead@tamu.edu with any specific questions you might have regarding program content and/or topics.
Leading Self is designed to allow flexibility as participants complete the program curriculum. The Organizational Development department recommends participants devote at least 3 hours per week to complete the program within a 24-month period.
Leading Self is a blended program which includes learning activities that are delivered ondemand, in-person, virtually, and self-directed. This blended delivery approach allows for greater flexibility as participants navigate the Leading Self learning journey at their own pace.
It is our intention to have virtual alternatives of Leading Self courses available to participants in the near future.
Leading Self operates on a track system. Participants will be provided with a schedule of in-person and virtual course dates that they will be pre-enrolled in. However, if a course date does not work with their schedule, they can contact lead@tamu.edu to receive assistance with the scheduling conflict. To see a sample track schedule, click here.
The track system model ensures participants progress through the program at a steady pace and allows for a community experience focusing on collaborative social learning. It also provides an excellent opportunity to network with peers and to develop a strong professional network on which to call throughout the participant's career at Texas A&M.


All participants begin their Leading Self learning journey with the “Introduction to Leading Self” course, which is offered about every four (4) weeks. Participants may submit their enrollment form to enroll in the Leading Self leadership development program and any upcoming “Introduction to Leading Self” course at any time. Upcoming course dates and corresponding enrollment deadlines can be found on the Leading Self website.
Upcoming dates for the “Introduction to Leading Self” course are published on the Leading Self website and included in the Leading Self enrollment form. Additional Leading Self course dates are available through Brightspace once participants are enrolled in Leading Self.
Contact Lead@tamu.edu with the understanding that a $50 fee will be incurred for any and all cancellations occurring after a course enrollment period has closed.
The program fee is non-refundable once invoicing has occurred. If your inability to continue is due to a medical reason, please contact Lead@tamu.edu.
Have your supervisor contact Lead@tamu.edu.

Employee Responsibilities

Currently, participants must complete all designated learning activities for all six (6) competencies of the Leading Self leadership development program to receive a certificate of completion.
Participants wanting to complete Leading Self in approximately 24-months should plan on dedicating three (3) hours per week towards completing Leading Self learning activities.
Participants wanting to complete Leading Self in less than 24-months should carefully consider their ability to devote more than 3 hours per week to their learning and development while meeting all the job responsibilities of their position. On average, Leading Self participants complete the program within 18-24 months.
A $50 fee is incurred for any no-shows to a course delivered in-person or virtually.
Participants may be dismissed from a course due to lack of preparation (i.e., course prep assignment not completed). Participants who are dismissed will earn an incomplete for the course. A $25 fee is incurred on the third incomplete earned by a participant, and for each incomplete earned thereafter.
Participants who arrive 15 minutes after a course start time and/or leave 15 minutes before a course end time will earn an incomplete for the course. A $25 fee is incurred on the third incomplete earned by an employee, and for each incomplete earned thereafter.

Supervisor Responsibilities

Contact Lead@tamu.edu.
This manager’s guide identifies the best ways to encourage and support employees as they navigate their Leading Self learning journey.
It is recommended that managers base performance goals on program competencies completed rather than entire program completion. For example, for an employee starting Leading Self at the beginning of a performance year period (i.e., April 1), their performance goal should be “Increase foundational leadership competencies by completing the first two competencies – Texas A&M Mission, Vision, Values and Interpersonal Effectiveness – of the Leading Self leadership development program by March 31.”

Pricing and Payment

The Leading Self program fee is $1328 per university employee. Texas A&M University System employees pay a fee differential to participate is university programs.
Billing account information is collected during enrollment. Accounts are invoiced after the Introduction to Leading Self course enrollment period has closed (i.e., five (5) business days prior to the course date). For example, the enrollment period for the course scheduled on January 23, 2023, closes on January 17, 2023, and accounts will be invoiced on January 18, 2023.
At this time, it is not permitted to accept any personal form of payment (e.g., debit, credit, or check).