Leading Others

New program and course fees will go into effect on September 1, 2024. Enroll ahead of time to secure your seat at today's rate for fall dates!

Leading Others is for emerging leaders or leaders of individual contributors of formal or informal groups. Following the university’s progressive leadership development framework, the Leading Others program helps enhance competencies of those who lead groups and help one transition from being an individual performer to leading a group of people.

Competencies Being Developed

The Leading Others leadership development program focuses on eight competencies:

  • Adapting Interpersonal Style and Communication
  • Valuing Differences
  • Ethics, Rules, Regulations, SAPs
  • People Management and Development
  • Team Development
  • Conflict Management
  • Financial Management
  • Project and Change Management

High-Level Design Components

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment
  • Conflict Management Style Assessment
  • 360 (multi-rater) feedback Assessment
  • Cohort style

Enroll Today!

Enroll in the Leading Others programs today! To enroll, complete these four steps:

  1. Download and complete the Supervisor Approval Form.
  2. Access the Enrollment Form and begin filling out the form.
  3. Upload your completed Supervisor Approval Form to the Enrollment Form when prompted.
  4. Complete and submit the Enrollment Form.

Enrollment forms are regularly reviewed. Employees will receive confirmation of their enrollment within three (3) business days, provided enrollment and supervisor approval forms are correct and complete. Enrollment and/or supervisor approval forms needing correction and/or completion will cause delay in the enrollment process.

Value and Impact of Leading Others

  • Enhance leadership competencies. Employees build knowledge, skills, and abilities on a variety of leadership topics related to effectively leading a group of individual contributors.
  • Transition successfully to leadership role. Employees flatten the learning curve when transitioning from individual contributor to front-line leader.
  • Build community of practice. Employees build and maintain positive interpersonal relationships with their peers for additional support when applying their knowledge and skills back on the job.
  • Enable positive culture change at Texas A&M University by leading groups that contribute to an environment that upholds the university’s mission, vision, and values.


Cost: $1709 per Texas A&M University employee
Texas A&M University System employees pay a Fee Differential to participate in university programs.
Duration: 24 half-day sessions
Location: College Station, TX 
Enrollment Deadlines:
08/20/24 for Fall 2024

What Previous Participants Are Saying About Us:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):


The Leading Others website provides specific information about the program, including the Leading Others Learning Journey for the Spring/Fall and Summer cohorts. The competencies covered are Ethics, Adapting Interpersonal Style and Communication, Valuing Differences, People Management and Development, Team Development, Conflict Management, Financial Management, Project and Change Management. Contact Lead@tamu.edu with any specific questions regarding program content and/or topics.
Leading Others is designed as a cohort program. The Spring/Fall cohorts take 18 weeks to complete, while the Summer cohorts take 12 weeks.
All Leading Others sessions are in-person two days a week during the Spring/Fall program and three days a week during the Summer.
The cohort model provides a community experience focusing on collaborative social learning where each member is called to actively contribute while progressing through the program content. This results in a professional network that can be called upon when navigating the day-to-day activities and the more difficult matters you may face as a manager and leader.
Sessions are typically held from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm; Spring/Fall cohorts are scheduled two days a week; Summer cohorts are scheduled three days a week.
Yes, meals, light snacks and beverages are provided. Typically, there are 45 minutes provided for lunch, where participants are expected to stay on site and network with their cohort members.
We attempt to accommodate dietary needs. More information is provided during the Introduction to Leading Others session.
Brightspace is the Learning Management System (LMS) used to manage the Leading Others program. Participants will use Brightspace to access learning activities and assessments.


Leading Others is offered in the spring, summer and fall, like university semesters, with a new cohort beginning each January, May, and August. Participants may submit their enollment form at any time. A list of upcoming cohort dates can be found on the Leading Others website.
The enrollment form can be found on the Leading Others website. Upcoming cohort dates and enrollment deadlines are included in the Leading Others enrollment form and on the website. Employees can enroll in any scheduled cohort at any time.
Enrolling is a 4-step process.
  1. Download and complete the Supervisor Approval form.
  2. Access the Enrollment form and begin filling out the form.
  3. Upload the completed Supervisor Approval Form to the Enrollment form when prompted.
  4. Complete the Enrollment form by selecting a desired start date and then submitting the form.
Yes, the number of participants from a given area is determined by the management within that area.
The program fee is non-refundable once invoicing has occurred. If your inability to continue is due to a medical or organizational reason, please contact Lead@tamu.edu.
Upon completing all Leading Others sessions and activities, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Employee Responsibilities

Yes, participants must attend all sessions and complete all designated learning activities for all eight (8) competencies of the Leading Others program to receive a certificate of completion.
If you anticipate missing a session or an emergency results in a missed session, please contact Lead@tamu.edu as soon as possible so arrangements can be made. Participants have one year from the end of their cohort to complete any missed sessions and earn their Certificate of Completion.
Participants should plan to spend approximately 12 hours a week during the Spring/Fall cohorts and 18 hours a week during the Summer cohort. This average includes time to attend the weekly sessions and complete assignments during the week.
Participants who do not complete the 360 Multi-Rater Assessment, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment, Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument or the Leading Others preassessment as expected (e.g.,established dates) will be withdrawn from the program without a refund.
Participants are expected to arrive on time and stay through the scheduled length of each session, typically 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Supervisor Responsibilities

Contact lead@tamu.edu.
Managers of employees selected for Leading Others will be invited to a Leading Others orientation session to learn the best ways to encourage and support employees as they navigate their Leading Others learning journey.

Pricing and Payment

The Leading Others program fee is $1,709 per university employee. Texas A&M University System employees pay a fee differential to participate in university programs.
The program fee is due in full before the employee attends the Introduction to Leading Others course. Accounts will be invoiced on the 1st or 16th of the month after the enrollment deadline has passed. For example, the enrollment deadline of the Spring 2024 Cohort is January 10, 2024, and accounts will be invoiced on January 16, 2024.
At this time, it is not permitted to accept any personal form of payment (e.g., debit, credit, or check).