Required Employee Notices and Important Reminders

In addition to the publicly available posted information at each work location, employees should be aware of federal and state laws, University Rules and Standard Administrative Procedures, and The Texas A&M University System Policies & Regulations that affect them in the workplace. Employees should reference these important required notices on a regular basis. If you have questions about the information listed here, please speak with your supervisor or the indicated responsible office or agency, or email

  • Equal Employment Opportunity:
    Federal regulations require that contractors and subcontractors may notify employees and applicants of their EEO rights electronically and must provide employees with knowledge that the electronically posted notice is otherwise accessible. Equal Employment Opportunity notices are available here in English and Spanish.
  • Standards of Conduct Notice for State Employees:
    These Standards of Conduct are prescribed by the Texas State Legislature.
  • HIV/AIDS Notice:
    HIV/AIDS and the Workplace
    This information is offered by The Texas Department of Health (TDH). The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Service Act, Chapter 85, Texas Health and Safety Code, specifies that workplace guidelines be established to ensure that the rights and privileges of individuals infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are protected (System Regulation 34.04.03: HIV/AIDS in the Workplace and Learning Environment). Visit the DSHS website for additional information.
  • Drug Abuse and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP) Notice:
    Texas A&M University has an alcohol and drug program to address substance abuse prevention and treatment and comply with Federal Regulations.
  • Compensatory Time Notice:
    All state agencies are required to notify their employees of the state's policy on compensatory time. Read this summary about federal and state compensatory time and how you may use it.
  • Notice of Privacy Practices for Medical Information:
    A federal regulation, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, known as the HIPAA Privacy Rule requires that we provide detailed notice in writing of our privacy practices. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
  • Safety and Security Notices:
    Campus Security Policies and Crime Statistics (CLERY Act) and Annual Fire Safety Report on Student Housing
    . This Annual Security Report includes information on campus security policies and statistics.

Nepotism (Disclosure) Process

Employees are required to disclose covered relatives employed by Texas A&M University entities including the flagship campus, Texas A&M Health (Health Science Center) and Texas A&M at Galveston by promptly submitting the Disclosure of Employment of Relatives (Nepotism) form (for information about covered relatives see Degrees of Relationship Listing in the Appendix of System Policy 07.05 Nepotism). Employees are defined as all personnel employed by Texas A&M University (and Texas A&M entities) including faculty, staff, graduate assistants, and student workers who receive compensation (payroll) in either a full- or part-time capacity. Employees shall promptly disclose any changes or updates to covered relatives.

External Employment/Consulting Disclosure Process

Employees are required to annually disclose and receive authorization for all external employment and/or consulting opportunities in accordance with System Regulation 31.05.02 External Employment. All faculty and staff must use the Huron Research Suite to submit their request for approval prior to engaging an external employment or consulting activity. For assistance with Huron, contact

Below are additional important resources and reminders for employees to review:

Important Resources

Important Reminders