Complaint & Grievance Process for Nonfaculty Employees

Employees have the right to present complaints concerning their wages, hours of work, or conditions of work. This applies to complaints by nonfaculty employees of the System and its components, including agency employees with faculty titles who are not in tenure-track positions. This process does not apply to temporary and wage employees except when related to federal discrimination issues. Employees who have been subject to a reduction in force are governed by System Regulation 33.99.15: Reduction in Force for Nonfaculty Employees and Standard Administrative Procedure 33.99.15.M0.01: Reduction in Force for Nonfaculty Employees.

Procedures related to discrimination, sexual harassment, or related retaliation allegations are initiated by filing a complaint with the appropriate Official Contact of Texas A&M University in accordance with Section 1.1 of University Rule 08.01.01.M1: Civil Rights Compliance.

In an attempt to resolve employee grievances/complaints promptly, informal resolution is recommended in most cases. Most problems can be resolved through informal discussions between the employee and the immediate supervisor, department head or unit human resources staff. The employee may also informally discuss a grievance/complaint with an ER Business Partner. The Business Partner will work with all parties to resolve the problem to seek a satisfactory resolution. Although resolving grievances/complaints through informal resolution is recommended, the employee retains the right to proceed in a formal manner at the conclusion of the informal resolution process.

If an employee wishes to proceed in a formal manner, the employee files a complaint by completing a complaint and appeal form and submitting to Employee Relations within (7) seven business days of the action that caused the complaint or (5) five business days of a reduction in force (RIF) notification. A complaint delivered to the Employee Relations office later than seven business days of the action that caused the complaint will be deemed untimely filed and will be dismissed. The formal complaint process follows System Regulation 32.01.02: Complaint and Appeal Process for Nonfaculty Employees.

Formal procedures related to complaints or appeals not related to discrimination, sexual harassment, or related retaliation, are initiated by filing a complaint in accordance with System Regulation 32.01.02: Complaint and Appeal Process for Nonfaculty Employees

Questions should be directed to HROE Employee Relations at

Complaint and Appeal Form for Nonfaculty Employees

In accordance with the newly updated System Regulation 32.01.02, Complaint and Appeal Process for Nonfaculty Employees, Employee Relations is providing the complaint and appeal form to reduce barriers and for purposes of enhanced efficiency.


[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey