Concise Guide to the Staff Performance Review Process

Important Dates

Performance Review Period

4/1/2023 – 3/31/2024

Performance Review Delivery Period

4/1/2024 – 5/31/2024


Looking for more?

Additional Resources




  1. For the current Performance Review Period, goals can be entered any time before 3/31/2024 to be included on the Performance Review. SMART Goals.
  2. Goals added after 3/31/2024 can be added to the employee’s goals either by the employee or the manager.  Once approved, the goal can be added to the Performance Review by the employee or the manager.
  3. Goals for the Performance Review Period of 4/1/2023 – 3/31/2024 may be added at any time.  Be sure the Due Date is between 4/1/2023 and 3/31/2024 for them to be included on Performance Review Period 2023-2024.


Performance Review Process Timeline

The Due Dates are proposed. The timeline can be accelerated as needed.

NOTE: To view Workday Job Guides now requires an SSO log in.

Start Date


Due By


Current Performance Reviews are launched for eligible staff


4/1/2024 Employees receive a Workday Inbox item to “Complete Self Evaluation”

  • Management levels 1-5 and Research Professionals are Attachment Only and should consult with their manager to determine the appropriate document to use and attach. There is no form to complete in Workday.
  • All other employees will complete the Self Evaluation form in their Workday Inbox. Upon completion, employee will submit their form.



Managers receive a Workday Inbox item to “Complete Manager Evaluation” (when the employee completes their Self Evaluation and clicks submit).

  • Manager completes the Manager Evaluation in Workday Inbox.
  • DO NOT SUBMIT the Manager’s Evaluation until the discussion with the employee has taken place.



Manager meets with Employee to discuss draft review

  • Manager can make changes to the draft review or send back to the employee to make changes as discussed.



Manager submits Employee Review from Workday Inbox. “Partially Meets” and “Does Not Meet” ratings require another level of approval and might add time to completion.



Employee receives a Workday Inbox item “Provide Employee Review Comments”



Manager receives a Workday Inbox item “Provide Manager Review Comments”



Manager receives a Workday Inbox item “Update Position Restrictions” if manager checks that position restriction edits are required when acknowledging the Employee Review.





[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey