Legal Statements Associated with the Employment Process

Requirements of Social Security Account Number in Employee Records within the Texas A&M University System

Section 7(7) of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C.552a) requires that when any Federal, State or local government agency requests an individual to disclose his/her social security number, that individual must also be advised whether that disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what statutory or other authority the number is solicited, and what uses will be made of it. Accordingly, employees or applicants for employment are advised that disclosure of an employee's social security number (SSAN) is required as a condition for employment within The Texas A&M University System and its Members, in view of the practical administrative difficulties which would be encountered in maintaining adequate employee records without the continued use of the SSAN.

The SSAN is used to verify the identity of the employee, and as an employee account number (identifier) throughout the period of employment in order to record necessary data accurately. As an identifier, the SSAN is used in such employee activities as: determining and recording entitlement and payment for workers' compensation; reporting earnings to the Texas Workforce Commission, which serves as the basis for determining any future unemployment compensation insurance benefits; reporting personal data in system group insurance files; determining and recording service for retirement and other benefits based on length and dates of employment and other service; and such other related requirements which may arise.

The Texas A&M University System and its Members have, for several years consistently required the disclosure of the SSAN on employment application forms and other necessary employee forms and documents used pursuant to statue passed by the State of Texas and United States and regulations adopted by agencies of the State of Texas and the United State, and by the Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System.

Statement of Selective Service Registration Status

If you are a male between the age of 18 and 25, federal law requires that you must be registered with the U.S. Selective Service System, unless you meet certain exemptions under Selective Service law. Under HB 558, enacted by the 76th Texas State Legislature, if you are currently of the age and gender requiring registration with Selective Service, but knowingly and willfully fail to do so, you are ineligible for employment with an agency in any branch of Texas state government. Any offer of employment is contingent on your compliance with Selective Service law.

Certification of Registration Status

Almost all male U.S. citizens, and male aliens living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25 years of age, are required to register with Selective Service. Non-citizens not required to register include men who are in the U.S. on student or visitor visas. If you are not registered as required, you are presently not eligible to be hired and should register promptly at a United State Post Office. A Certificate of Mailing may be obtained from the Post Office at such time that you mail your registration and may be used as proof of your application until you receive your Selective Service Registration Card.

Should any question arise regarding your registration or eligibility for an exemption, you may request an official "status information" letter from the Selective Service System by calling (847) 688-6888, or by sending a written request to the Selective Service System at P.O. Box 94638, Palatine, IL 60094-4638.

If you are a citizen or national of the U.S. or a lawful Permanent Resident, you are eligible for employment.

If you are an alien (not a citizen or national of the U.S. or lawful Permanent Resident), your eligibility for employment is dependent upon your status.

If you need assistance in determining your employment eligibility, please contact TAMU International Faculty and Scholar Services at (979) 862-1719.

Verification of Identity and Work Authorization

Any offer of employment is contingent upon your completing the Immigration and Naturalization Service Employment eligibility Verification (Form I-9) and providing documents to verify your identity and employment eligibility as required by law. When completing the Form I-9, you will be required to attest that you are a citizen or national of the U.S., a lawful Permanent Resident or an alien authorized to work. On the next page is the list of documents currently acceptable for verification purposes. For further information, see our Form I-9 - Employment Eligibility Verification webpage for a list of acceptable documents for verification of identity and work authorization.

Texas A&M University participates in E-verify. We will provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) and, if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with information from each new employee's Form I-9 to confirm work authorization. E-Verify will not be used to pre-screen job applicants.

Texas A&M University is committed to safeguarding its students and employees and eliminating any opportunities for international terrorist to take advantage of University research facilities.

  • Vice President for Research identifies campus research facilities where biological agents, toxins or delivery systems identified by the USA Patriot Act are used.
  • Research laboratory directors identify positions that are involved in working with these biological agents, toxins or delivery systems.
  • Positions are advertised as restricted under the USA Patriot Act. List position as restricted under the USA Patriot Act on all advertisements.
  • Designate position as restricted under the USA Patriot Act on the posting. Candidate completes Employment Application online that contains questions regarding eligibility to handle select biological agents or toxins.
  • Candidates who answer any of the questions affirmatively are immediately eliminated from consideration for the USA Patriot Act restricted position.
  • Candidate to be hired, or at the point of hire, completes the USA Patriot Act Statement of Eligibility to Handle Select Biological Agents or Toxins.
  • For more detailed information on the USA Patriot Act:

Military Employment Liaison

Teresa Wood, Manager of Talent Acquisition
(979) 458-7210

Military Employment Preference Policy

Texas A&M supports Military Employment Preference policy. This means that if two candidates are finalists for a position, and equal in all respects, the candidate with military employment preference would be offered the job. If military employment preference is granted, the candidate would be required to produce the form DD214 or similar document at the point of hire to verify eligibility.

You are eligible under Texas Government Code, Section 657657.002 for military employment preference if you meet all the following qualifications:

Veteran is defined as a person who:

  • Has served in:
    • the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Maring Corps of the United Stated or the United Stated Health Service un 42 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq., as amended;
    • the Texas Military Forces as defined by Section 437.001; or
    • an auxiliary service of one of those branches of the armed forces; and
  • Has an honorable discharge from the branch of service in which the person served.

Disabled Veteran is defined as a person who:

  • Is classified as disabled by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the branch of the service in which the veteran served and;
  • Whose disability is service-connected.

Others eligible for consideration under Military Preference:

  • Surviving Spouse of a Veteran who has not remarried; or
  • Spouse of Member of the US Armed Forces or Texas National Guard on active duty; or
  • Spouse of a Disabled Veteran, if the spouse is the primary source of income for the household and the veteran has a total disability rated based on either having a service=connected disability with a disability rating of at least 70 percent or on individual unemployability; or
  • Orphan of a Veteran who was killed on active duty

All other applicants should respond "No".

Effective 9/1/15, military employment preference affects the interview process. If six or fewer applicants are chosen for an interview, a qualified veteran's preference applicant from the pool must be interviewed. If more than six are interviewed, 20% of the number interviewed that are qualified military employment preference applicants must be interviewed. If there are no military employment preference applicants in the qualified applicant pool, this guideline does not apply.

Use this chart as a reference for applying this standard to your applicant pool if it has applicants who self-identify as eligible for military employment preference:

Individuals Selected for Interview Minimum Individuals to Interview with military employment preference (required)
1–6 1
7 1 (20% of 7 = 1.4; round down to 1)
8 2 (20% of 8 = 1.6; round up to 2)
9 2
10 2

If the pool does not have any applicants who self-identify as eligible for military employment preference, this interview requirement does not apply to the hiring process for that vacancy.

Military Employment preference means if two candidates are finalists for a position and equal in all respects, the candidate with military employment preference would be offered the job.  If military preference is granted, the candidate would be required to produce form DD214 or similar documentation at the point of hire to verify eligibility. 

Former Foster Child Preference

Texas Government Code 672: Former Foster Child Preference Hire if Equally Qualified with Top Candidate

Employment Preference

An individual who was under the permanent managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services on the day preceding the individual's 18th birthday is entitled to a preference in employment with a state agency over other applicants for the same position who do not have a greater qualification.

This chapter does not apply to:

  • The position of private secretary or deputy of an official or department, or
  • An individual holding a strictly confidential relation to the employing officer.

Age Limit

An individual is entitled to an employment preference under this chapter only if the individual is 25 years of age or younger.

Note: The applicant must produce a government document certifying their right to such a preference if the preference is used in the hiring decision.

[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey