Managers' Minutes

Managers' Minutes is your go-to resource for Texas A&M managers, whether you're new to the role or a seasoned pro. Hosted by Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness, our bi-weekly Zoom sessions provide a platform for sharing invaluable insights, practical tips, and best practices essential for successful employee and team management. Explore topics like leadership development, employee engagement, conflict resolution, and more. Moreover, Managers' Minutes serves as a collaborative forum where managers can engage with HR leadership and each other, contribute feedback on upcoming initiatives, and access specialized expertise on HR matters.

Our monthly Deep Dives take a more extensive look at specific topics, offering in-depth exploration and actionable solutions to common managerial challenges. We also recognize the importance of building a supportive community of managers, which is why we host quarterly in-person events to facilitate meaningful connections and peer support. Join us at Managers' Minutes and empower yourself with the tools and resources needed to lead with confidence, inspire your team, and drive organizational success. Together, let's cultivate a culture of empowerment, connection, and success in managerial leadership at Texas A&M. Share a flyer.

Managers' Minutes Events

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Managers' Email Distribution List

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Archived Zoom Meetings

 Watch recorded Zoom Meetings

Slides from the meeting and the Meeting Recap are also linked on this page.



  • LinkedIn Learning Collections - LinkedIn Learning courses curated specifically for Texas A&M University managers.
  • Managers' Micro Minutes - not able to view the entire meeting? Check out the minutes that matter most!

ChallengeWorks 2/15/24 Check out our Facebook album with pictures from meetings and events in 2024 when employees from across campus come together.


[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey