Summer Insurance Premium Process Timeline

The summer insurance premium process impacts many benefits-eligible employees who have academic work periods in Workday of less than 12 months (e.g. administrative staff, faculty, graduate students etc.)

Informational Session - Summer Insurance Premium Process

  • HUBs 1 & 2 – Rudder 701  Tue, Apr 4  |  1-1:30 pm
  • HUB 3 – Will be presented at monthly HUB meeting
  • HUB 4 – Will be presented at monthly HUB meeting
  • HUB 5 – Virtual  TBD
  • HUB 6 – Virtual  Tue, Apr 25  |  2 – 2:30pm

Informational Session 2023 - Summer Insurance Premium Process

View slides from the April presentation here. 

Employment Actions Potentially Impacting Summer Premiums


The employment actions listed below potentially impact summer premiums for less-than-12-month employees and require communication to the Benefit Services department at by April 21, 2023 to ensure accurate summer premium calculations and eligibility. They are as follows:

Employee ending employment through termination or retirement on or before May 31, 2023:

Department to notify Benefit Services at by April 21, 2023 so that the Benefits Partner can update the employee's Custom Other ID in Workday. The Benefits Partner will change the Custom Other ID in Workday to T for Employee Letters for Summer Deductions. The employee will not have four months of premiums deducted from May compensation.

Employee ending employment through termination by August 31, 2023 and not returning to the University in the fall (if you are already aware):

Department to notify Benefit Services at by April 21, 2023, if possible, so that the Benefits Partner can update the employee's Custom Other ID in Workday and the employee will not have four months of premiums deducted from May compensation. Notifications received later than the deadline will be processed in the month of termination with refunds issued as applicable.

Employee not enrolled in 12-over-9 premiums, but will have summer employment for all three months of the summer (and would prefer deductions during the summer rather than consolidated from May compensation):

Department to notify Benefit Services at by April 21, 2023, if possible, so that the Benefits Partner can update the employee's Custom Other ID in Workday, as applicable. The Other ID is used to determine who will receive Employee Letters for Summer Deductions. The applicable code is D for employees working for all three months of the summer and should have premiums deducted through payroll.

Summer Premium Process Timeline FY 23

The employment actions listed below potentially impact summer premiums for less-than-12-month employees and require communication to the Benefit Services department at by April 21, 2023 to ensure accurate summer premium calculations and eligibility. They are as follows:

Employee ending employment through termination or retirement on or before May 31, 2023:

Department to notify Benefit Services at by April 21, 2023 so that the Benefits Partner can update the employee's Custom Other ID in Workday. The Benefits Partner will change the Custom Other ID in Workday to T for Employee Letters for Summer Deductions. The employee will not have four months of premiums deducted from May compensation.

Employee ending employment through termination by August 31, 2023 and not returning to the University in the fall (if you are already aware):

Department to notify Benefit Services at by April 21, 2023, if possible, so that the Benefits Partner can update the employee's Custom Other ID in Workday and the employee will not have four months of premiums deducted from May compensation. Notifications received later than the deadline will be processed in the month of termination with refunds issued as applicable.

Employee not enrolled in 12-over-9 premiums, but will have summer employment for all three months of the summer (and would prefer deductions during the summer rather than consolidated from May compensation):

Department to notify Benefit Services at by April 21, 2023, if possible, so that the Benefits Partner can update the employee's Custom Other ID in Workday, as applicable. The Other ID is used to determine who will receive Employee Letters for Summer Deductions. The applicable code is D for employees working for all three months of the summer and should have premiums deducted through payroll.

Departments are responsible for explaining to the employee the impact of employment changes on summer premiums after the summer premium notifications have already been generated.

Funding Source for Summer Premiums

Eligible employees who are in less than 12 month appointments will have their summer insurance premiums charged proportionately to the account(s) on which their May earnings were processed, even if they are put in a separate summer appointment.

Important note: If a change in the funding account for the summer insurance premiums is necessary, this can be accomplished through the payroll cost transfer process.

FY2023 Payroll Dates

Paychecks including the summer insurance deductions:

  • Bi-weekly payroll: May 5 and May 19, 2023
  • Monthly payroll: June 1, 2023 

Resource Documents

For Assistance

Open Enrollment – July 10-31
[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey