

TO: Texas A&M, Texas A&M Health and Texas A&M at Galveston Employees

SUBJECT:  Requests for Alternate Work Location Arrangements (non-faculty)

We are excited to announce that The Texas A&M University System Regulation and Texas A&M University Standard Administrative Procedure related to Flexible Work Arrangements have been revised. These updates substantiate the opportunity for qualifying positions and employees in good standing to request approval for an Alternate Work Location (AWL). The new approach to AWL arrangements for non-faculty positions is expected to go into effect in mid-January 2023.

AWLs and flexible work schedules are part of the Flexible Work Arrangements umbrella administered in accordance with the revised System Regulation 33.06.01 Flexible Work Arrangements and revised Standard Administrative Procedure 33.06.01.M0.01 Alternate Work Location for Non-Faculty EmployeesFaculty requests for AWL arrangements will continue to be administered through the Office of Faculty Affairs in accordance with the revisions to System Regulation 33.06.01 and Standard Administrative Procedure 33.06.01.M0.02 Alternate Work Location – Faculty (under review).

Important AWL details:

  • Once the AWL process is available in Workday (expected by mid-January 2023), a qualifying non-faculty employee in an eligible position may submit a Request for Flexible Work Arrangement via Workday (previously approved AWL arrangements must be resubmitted).   
  • Positions eligible for an AWL include those where responsibilities can be performed away from the primary workstation. These are typically computer-based, not dependent on continual physical presence or face-to-face customer interactions, and largely self-directed. 
  • To help ensure consistency within a college/school/division, each non-faculty AWL arrangement request must be approved by the designated Dean or Vice President.
  • Supervisors and employees must receive training to effectively manage the AWL arrangement.
  • All flexible work arrangements are contingent on approval and should not be considered an employee entitlement.

To prepare for the AWL launch, please reference the Alternate Work Location Guidelines to access training and employee/manager specific resources. 

Additionally, the Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) will host Q&A forums prior to the AWL process launch in Workday. Additional details about the forums are forthcoming. 

For questions related to non-faculty positions, contact HROE Employee Relations at employee-relations@tamu.edu. Please direct questions about faculty AWL requests to facultyaffairs@tamu.edu.

Damon Slaydon
Vice President, Division of Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness
Texas A&M University
[10:04 AM] Havel, Stacey