Customized Services

We offer the following services to support divisions, colleges/schools, and departments in meeting the unique learning and development needs of their employees. Complete the Request for Customized Services form to engage any of our services.

Content Curation

We select and organize content (e.g., articles, videos, courses, learning paths) from trusted sources (e.g., LinkedIn Learning, Crucial Learning, Ted Talk, etc.) on common learning topics. 

Facilitation services

Our learning facilitators can deliver standard courses and/or custom learning activities to help employees acquire, retain, and apply knowledge and skills. 

Instructional Design services

Our instructional designers can modify standard courses and/or create custom learning activities to support employee learning. 

Consulting services

Our consultants can assist divisions, colleges/schools, and departments with resolving their most urgent people and culture problems by providing expertise in organizational diagnosis, organization development, change management, performance improvement, etc.